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I pulled up to a pier and parked to keep some discrepency while I tinkered with the car. Rigging the pedals and the seat belt at least halfway, making sure the job was done and Lewis wouldn't get out. After as much as I could do from this point, I turned the car on and put in neutral, slowly making my way far enough down the wooden pier. If I went too far, the accident would be less believable, he wouldn't pick up as much speed.

Pulling the e-brake, I left the door open and rolled up all the windows, popping the trunk and jogging over to it. Luckily, Lewis was still sleeping inside. Pulling his ankles out first, I pulled the rest of his body out of the trunk, letting him clamber to the floor again before moving to grab him. Asshole could suffer being banged up before drowning. Throwing my arms under his I began dragging him to the drivers seat, but I didn't get far before my phone rang in my pocket.

With a soft sigh, I adjusted Lewis' weight and pulled it out, groaning when I saw it was Barry. Answering it and holding it to my ear with my shoulder, I started dragging again. "Hello, mátia mou," I hummed.

"Hey, where are you at?" he asked quickly, breathing hard.

"Making ends meet," I dismissed lightly. "You alright?" I tacked on when he hissed out a breath.

"Yeah, Snart just seems fond of my legs -- or taking them out," he sighed.

"He hurt you?" I asked in a harsh tone, abruptly dropping Lewis as I took hold of the phone. The man groaned and I kept my eyes locked on him as I listened.

"Yeah, but I'm fine," he dismissed. I rolled my eyes and frowned, shifting my weight. "When will you be home?" Lewis started moving so I held my fingers over the reciever and punched him, waiting until he laid still before bringing the phone back to my ear.

"Not long at all," I sighed. "I'll see you then, I love you."

"I love you, too," he tensely breathed, unable to further any conversation since I hung up soon after he uttered the small words. Nothing like happy banter in the middle of an assassination. Setting my phone on the roof of the car, I finished dragging Lewis to the front seat, heaving him up and into the chair. I tucked my phone into my back pocket before adjusting his legs, buckling him in so I could finish jerry rigging the vehicle.

"Goodbye, pappy Snart," I breathed with an air of finality. Moving quickly, I dropped his right foot onto the gas and shut the door, watching as the car gradually picked up speed before reaching the end of the pier and breaking through the wood barrier. I waited until the dark water swallowed up the car before leaving, pulling out my phone and calling Leonard. He didn't say anything when he picked up, so I hummed, "Miss your last drop?" Lenny sighed, too many emotions within it to properly place a tone.

"Great, then I just need one more thing from you." I scoffed and ran my eyes over the area, looking for a vehicle to hotwire.

"You didn't mention this before," I pointed out.

"I didn't know my sister had a bomb in her neck," he growled, lowering his voice as if he didn't want someone hearing. "I need you to get it out."

"Woah, I'm a pretty good makeshift prison doctor and I've got some experience pulling out slugs, but I'd need equipment you don't have to get it out," I sighed, wracking my brain for a sollution. The only one I had that was the closest to foolproof we could get was Barry. He's told me about how he's phased through objects, how hard could it be with people? "Look," I breathed as I jogged over to a car, "Lisa needs to be put under and we need a clean place to do this all. I'll let you know if there's anything else."

Lenny took a moment to himself, I could picture him nodding and his shifty eyes running over his environment, before mumbling, "You got it, doc." I rolled my eyes and hung up as I got the door open, making quick work of starting the car before driving home. I had about a quarter of the way to go when I realized I didn't have a change of clothes, beating my head on the steering wheel a few times in frustration. Leaving the car running, I pulled off my mask and tucked it in my pocket, entering our shack and seeing Barry's instant disaproval spread over his face.

"Not now, please," I sighed, seeing the argument on his tongue. "I need you to do something for me."

"Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head a bit.

"Barry," I pleaded, stopping in my tracks with sincerity on my face. With a soft sigh, he ran his hand over his face and nodded, his eyes falling to rest on me. I noticed how he hadn't moved to stand, his words, 'fond of my legs,' ringing through my head. "The only reason I'm dressed like this is because Snart asked me a favor." I realized how bad that sounded the moment his eyebrows shot up his forehead, biting the inside of my lip to keep my impatience at bay as I kneeled in front of him. "Lisa has a bomb in her neck and I need to see you do this phasing thing."

Though his eyes remained wide, his eyebrows slowly came back down his face. Taking another second to process this request, he nodded and held up his hand, his entire arm growing blurry like his chest had. Wordlessly, he stuck his hand through the arm of the chair, his blurry fingers poking out the other side and making my eyes hurt a bit. "Alrighty," I breathed. "Let's go, then." I stood and held my arms out to him, his eyes impossibly widening as confusion washed over him.

"Wait, what?" he asked, pulling his arm up out of the chair before relaxing it.

"I need you to get the bomb out, I don't have the skill or equipment to do it myself," I clarified, my eyes showing the strain I'd found myself under. And for what? What the hell was I getting out of this?

"So you want me to go to the dude who has taken shots at me, landed more than a few, and help him?" he asked slowly, as if I had started losing my mind.

"Barry, they need help," I stated, frustration beginning to pull on my voice. "Isn't that why you're the Flash? Why you're working in the CCPD? To help people who need it?" His lips pulled into a tight line, unable to dispute all I'd laid before him.

"You're so lucky I love you," he whined, holding his hands up for me. With an appreciative smile, I pressed my lips to his as I slid my hands from his palms to his wrists, taking hold and waiting for his cooperation to pull him to his feet.

"Right, you are," I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his middle and allowing him to lean against me as I walked him to the car.

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