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In what I do, yes, a bunch of it was a lie. However, I tried to be as honest as possible. It helped sell it all. I wasn't lying when I said I was angry with Barry. I was in Selina's apartment, most of her stuff left here for me. But I didn't want it, the space was lonely without her and Joshua. It was late, and concflicted feelings in mind, I knew the only person I could turn to was Barry. I texted him a simple, 'are you awake?' and relaxed into my bed, looking out the one window that wasn't covered by Selina's tasteful drapes.

Coincedentally, this is the window left open by force of habit. Barry knew this, explaining why I watched him tumble through it before quickly standing up. "Yes," he greeted, a cheeky smile on his face. I breifly looked him over before turning onto my other side, adjusting under the blanket. There was plenty of space on the bed behind me, so he took up the oppertunity to cuddle up to me. As much as I didn't want to be, I was instantly more comfortable with his arm around me and his chest pressed into my back. "What's keeping you up?"

I took a deep breath and leaned into him enough to get a comfortable view of his face. "I saw Batman when I was in Gotham. He said that the Joker knew I was different. Words gotten out." Barry didn't respond right away so I continued with the tangent cycle that had kept my brain walking in circles. "People know I've gone rat, probably know that I'm working with the Flash. That's all fine and dandy, no more crime for me."

"Are you talking about the heist or when you assaulted a theif?" he curiously interjected, making my eyes widen a fraction as I watched him in silent question. Barry leaned back in the bed and flushed a bit as he stared at the ceiling. "You looked really pretty in that blue dress. I like the color on you." I sat up and looked at him in shock, at a complete loss for words. "How do you kick someone's face in heels? Doesn't that hurt?"

"Okay, just go ahead and skip to the scolding," I decided. "He took money from Selina. I didn't do it to uphold my crumbling reputation, I did it for her. It was different."

"I'm not going to do that, it's too late to yell," Barry sighed.

"Good, because this isn't even about all that, I was getting to my point." With a teasing smile, he rolled his eyes and I half heartedly glared at him. "What are we doing, Barry?" I breathed after a moment, watching his relaxed form.

"We're a crime fighting duo." I sighed impatiently and grabbed his hand, ignoring the way he instinctively wrapped our fingers together and held it up for his view.

"I meant this. We're basically best friends that kiss each other," I pointed out.

"What's so wrong with that?"

"Would you do the same with Iris?" I countered with a look of disbelief. It was dark in here, it was so hard to catch the pink tint on his cheeks, especially since it was so faint to begin with.

"Joe would kill me," he chuckled, meeting my eye. "I get what you're saying." Using the hand he was already holding, he pulled me back to the bed and wrapped his arms around the small of my back, curling around me enough to hold me in place and bury his face in my neck. "But I'm keeping you all to myself." With an inaudible stutter to my breath, I relaxed some and gently ran my fingers through his hair, paying attention to his light breath on my shoulder.

"As long as I get to keep you, I don't think I have a problem with that." I could feel Barry's cheeks pulling back against my neck, and I was almost sad that I didn't get to see his smile, but I was too content with him here to really care about something so small in comparison.

I first woke up to a blaring noise echoing through the room before being shocked by static as the noise died and Barry shifted into a different spot. I laid my arm over his as he spooned into my back and slowly drifted off again. Maybe ten minutes had passed when I was jolted awake again by the same sensations. It happened a couple more times before the final round was paired with Barry actually waking up to his alarms.

I continued to lay there with my eyes closed, already aware that it was too early for me to start moving around. Barry tucked some hair behind my ear and smoothed a few more from out of my face before repeatedly planting small kisses over the left side of my face. "I want to stay longer but if I do I'll be late for work," he whispered between kisses.

"If another one of your alarms goes off, I'll kick you out myself," I assured with a small smile. I turned onto my back before opening my eyes, my smile growing when Barry hovered over me with a happy smile. "I'll see you later, Flash." My eyes closed as Barry kissed me, keeping me there for a moment before static reached my ears and my lips were left with the tingly sensation left by his Speed Force.

Even just laying here without having moved at all, I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep just by the energized feeling starting to spread through me. I tried to lay in bed for as long as possible, to just savor that special high Barry provides, but said high was the same reason I eventually got up.

Karma, a swift and mighty force -- being the only one I really believed in -- came back swinging, though, because when I walked into the livingroom, I saw Snart sitting there. "Hey, Andy. Where's your friend?"

CLIFFHANGER, because I'm mean, there's no way around it. Also, I would like to take this time to say, I miss you guys. I don't wanna sound creepy or anything but I keep track of you and some of you guys dropped off the face of the earth. I get you have lives, you can't always read fanfiction on the internet, I completely understand. But, feedback and appreciation is a large part of any writer's inspiration. Yes, they are writing it for themselves, but they are also writing it for us as the reader.

It's happened before that inspiration escapes like Bambi on a cold winter's night, and then appreciation comes around and I pound out another ten chapters. It's also happened where inspiration is Bambi's mother, and great ideas get impounded and recycled.

This being said: I HAVE NOT LOST INSPIRATION FOR THIS BOOK, I would just like some appreciation. I will continue to write for this but, as always, I have new ideas in the works that I want to work on.

Show me some love, and I'll show you some chapters c;

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