Stay Frosty

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I helped Barry hobble over to Snart's garage, the door opening and said smug menace stepping out to greet us. "I'd say it's good to see you both, but it really isn't," Leonard sighed, his narrow eyes locked on Barry. My Speedster glared right back at him, still not fully healed from their encounter earlier.

"Shut it, all I need now is an apology," I informed, my eyes not drifting from Lenny. He scoffed and turned his cold blue eyes to me. "You wanna save Lisa? Apologize," I reenforced, my tone stiff. Barry's hand slid over my shoulder in silent appreciation, Lenny's eyes now drifting over the both of us.

With a heavy sigh, he held his arms out and took a small step forward. "I'm sorry you're such an easy target," he chuckled. I gave him a pointed look but Barry released a deep breath.

"It's fine," he mumbled to me, nodding me forward.

"So glad you decided to help." I gave Lenny a dark look and led Barry inside, finding Lisa laid out on a table. Her chest moved up and down slowly, her dark brown hair hanging around her in gentle curls. Setting Barry down in the computer chair Len had pulled out, I rolled him over and stood behind the chair, watching the eldest Snart as he rolled his sister's head to the side to expose a small, pale scar at the base of her hairline. "It's been there for a while by the look of it," he explained in a breath. "How do you plan on getting it out?" Leonard's eyes snapped from me to Barry, widening when the latter held up his hand and vibrated it. "What the hell do think you're gunna do? Super snap her neck?"

"I'm gunna phase through her and pull the bomb out," Barry explained, as if he were explaining riding a bike.

"I don't think so," Len growled.

"Hey!" I snapped, causing the both of them to jump a bit. "This is the only way we get this done without taking her to a hospital," I explained slowly when blue eyes snapped to me. "Now trust him, trust me, and let us help." Looking me over for a long moment, he dropped his stare to Lisa and nodded. I looked to Barry and found his eyes on me, running my hand over the back of his head before he too turned to the sleeping brunette.

My eyes hurt watching him phase through the chair, I didn't want to watch him do it through a person, so I looked to the strong confliction on Leonard's face before walking around to stand at his other side. "How'd you do it?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb Barry's focus. I'd seen him knock out enough people easily, but I know Lenny would never lay a hand on his little sister, he'd never stoop to his father's level. He didn't know I knew, but that was fine for now. Isn't exactly easy to explain whispers from the Speed Force.

"Roofied her soda," he muttered, his eyes never leaving Barry's blurry hand while mine didn't leave his face.

"You alright, Lenny?" I asked softly, putting a hand on his elbow. There was no way Lenny would've noticed with his current focus, but I caught the way Barry's eyes snapped to us before back to Lisa.

"Peachy," he grumbled. With a tense exhale, I gave his elbow a squeeze and moved back to stand behind Barry, only looking up when he took a relieved breath. In his hand, bloodless, without leaving a mark on himself or Lisa, was a small chip with a red light.

"Got it," he breathed.

"Careful, that thing's got a two block blast ra--" As Lenny relayed, the light began blinking, no hesitation in Barry as he ran off, the swivel chair left spinning in his blue wake. "I'll bet that gets irritating fast." I softly chuckled as my eyes grew a bit warmer.

"I'm serious, Len. How're you holding up?" He kept his eyes on the floor as he walked over to me, shrugging simply.

"It hasn't all settled, I'll let you know the next time I see you." My eyebrows came together in confusion but there was a small curl to my lips.

"There's gunna be a next time I save your ass?" I asked curiously, watching him carefully.

"Hopefully not." Once he was within personal space, he stopped and turned his downcast eyes to me, only furthering my confusion when he gently tipped my chin up and pressed his lips on mine. I didn't neccesarily brodcast my relationship with Barry, but his actions shocked me enough that I remained still within his hold. When he pulled away a short moment later I softly chuckled and brought my eyes to his.

"Len, you're a helluva kisser, and an even better theif," I praised, giving him at least some credit, "but there's only one man for me." I gave him a sympathetic smile, unable to take a step back before static bit my ears, turning towards the source as I did so. Barry's eyes were wide, and he took in Leonard and I with raised brows. "You alright, mátia mou?" I asked as I walked towards him. His legs were being shit before we had even left, running probably didn't help them any.

"Yeah, the bomb went off over the lake, no casualties." I smiled at him with pride, glad that he could look past the conflict between him and the other male in the room.

"Well, thanks for the help, but I'm gunna need you two to get the hell out." I frowned as I turned back to Leonard, his cold exterior in full affect.

"I really hope it's the last time we have a run-in like this, Leo," I softly sighed, curling my arms around Barry's middle. I easily took his weight, watching the way Leonard carefully studied us.

"No promises," he chided as we turned to leave. I shook my head with a soft chuckle, running my fingers over Barry's stomach as we walked out.

"Thank you," I mumbled when the door shut behind us. "I know that wasn't easy."

"Helping people has always been easy for me," Barry eventually sighed. "It's even easier when you're the one asking me to do it." I felt a gentle warmth in my face as we came up to the passenger side of the boosted car.

Helping him into the seat, I waited until he got himself situated before asking, "How're your legs?"

"Numb," he chuckled, relaxing into the seat. I closed the door with a smile, quickly getting behind the wheel. Before I could get us anywhere, his hand came up and turned my head, meeting my lips before I was even all the way around. I giggled against his lips when he leaned further towards me, bringing my hand up to his neck.

"Feeling jealous?" I noticed, full of humor as I pulled away to breathe.

"Should I be?" Barry inquired. I looked him over a moment, saw the underlying tells, and giggled some more.

"You're the only one for me, Bare," I promised, bringing my lips back to his for a short minute. "No one else."

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