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Jonny is behind Joker

My feet were unsteady by the time I neared the club, my intoxication beginning long before I started my night. I held my hand to the wall as I came down the stairs, smiling as I met Mick's eye. "You're a downright mess tonight, girl," he laughed, shaking his head at me.

"It's my birthday, give me a little slack," I chuckled, walking over to him and the door.

"Oh yeah? How old are you?"

My smile twisted into a grin and I answered, "Twenty-one." Mick folded his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You telling me I've let you in here for the past five years while you were underage?" I nodded with a lighthearted shrug.

"You can ground me later, paps. You gunna let me in?" Mick shook his head and scoffed, stepping aside a second later. "You're the best," I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah. Go have fun, Andy." I patted his shoulder as I past him, the music hitting me in all the right ways. I was faded enough, I didn't need the stimuli, I needed trouble. I licked my lips as I looked over tonight's patrons; a few regulars, the horde of girls on girls' night out or looking for a lay, and a guy that was definately new. I've been a regular here myself for five years, I know the club's fresh meat when I see it.

I made my way over, catching his eye the closer I came. There was a little tilt to his lips as I stood before his table. "Hiya. You're new here. I'm Andy."


"Mind if I sit, Jonny?" He gestured his folded hands to the round booth he sat at, scooting over a bit as I sat beside him, a barely respectable distance away. "What brings you here tonight? Not many people come here by chance."

"My boss heard of the place," he shrugged. "Wanted me to check it out for 'im." I nodded and copied the way his eyes trailed over the place.

"What's he looking for?" Jonny shifted in his seat and leaned back, swiping a thumb over his mouth before laying his hands in his lap.

"A not so quiet place, on the down low, easy territory." He paused and looked at me until he had drawn my eyes back to himself. "Girls like you." I laughed and laid my hand on his thigh, catching how he moved his own out of the way.

"There are no girls like me," I chuckled, watching how his eyes dropped from my face, down to my hand, and back to my face again. I broke my attention away from Jonny when someone else new came up to the table. "Is this your boss?" Jonny laughed and slung and arm around my waist as his new associate sat on the other side of me, his eyes hardly leaving me.

"I got tagged with the rookie, tonight. Supposed ta teach 'im the ropes." A hard lump formed in my throat when Jonny's hand tighten around my waist and the rookie laid a hand on my thigh.

"I dunno what ropes you're showin' him, but I don't do threeways," I nervously chuckled. "Call me old fasioned, but I'm more into monogamy."

"Then we found just what we're lookin' for," his friend chuckled, his hand tight above my knee.

Each man held me by the arm, under the armpit as they held me so my feet never reached the ground no matter how hard I kicked them, my small stature doing next to nothing against these two body builders of men. "I-I have cash! I know people! Let me go and we can work something out!" I desperately pleaded. Only in Gotham, New Jersey can a girl get dragged kicking and screaming away from a club without anyone batting an eye. Guess that's what I get for hanging around the slums.

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