I'm Sorry

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Talia's guard get up and Andy's outfit, only she doesn't have their tattooing or the long ponytail.

The air was hot and dry, halfway down the mountain I had to switch my black bandana from a face covering to an actual bandana and flip it up to hold my hair back. I was trusted out on my own today, to explore the terrain and accomodate myself to the area while also giving a rare moment of breathing room. With each careful step on the worn path down the slope, my thoughts drifted to Barry. I didn't trust myself to think on him with anyone around. I was so lacking of him I knew I bore my thoughts on my face.

I wasn't sure if withdrawls from his Speed Force was possible, but there was an ache in my whole body and spirt that came from missing him. The Body of the Demon, or the other members within the League, were analytical of me. Talia kept a contstant eye on me. Before turning me over to her guild, Rā's informed her of my determination to the unknown subject, and she had been trying to pinpoint it. I dropped from a ledge and loved the tingles that shot up my legs as I bent my knees, continuing my descent.

Bane was her betrothed, also Heir to the Demon, but until their marriage, it was a slight competition between the two for the Demon's Head. He had been the one to send me down the mountain, as they often copiloted the guild of women, but we took direct orders from Talia. We were to respect Bane and Rā's within their proper titles, but our main allegiance laid within Talia's grasp. They worked together better than Barry and I had, which was odd. But, it also made sense, since they were training assassins to be the mass hand of justice, not tackling one criminal after another like masked vigilantes.

I slowed as the slope began to recede, but not by much. At the base of the mountain, there were little blue flowers that grew year round, apperantly we used them for a lot within the League, and I was tasked with bringing one back. Why only one, I didn't know, but I wasn't going to ask. I'd fallen into a learned silence, an 'only speak when spoken to' mindset. I squatted at a ledge and scanned my eyes over the sandy desert around me. There were small dots along the sand, not far from here but a ways down. I took a deep breath and registered the drop, leaning forward and taking it without much thought. Going down was the easy part, getting back up before sundown was the challenge.

I hung behind as Bane taught other members of the League, not wanting to interupt, standing at attention with my hands folded behind my back, the little blue flower held between them. The Heir was fast and strong, nearly untouchable. When blows did land, they didn't faze him, and he struck back three times as hard. This group didn't belong to the guild, but their experience was superior to mine. As a visual learner, I took this as another lesson. I sometimes trained with Bane, if Talia permitted it, and just from this I could see the beatings he had given me were more like children wrestling in the dirt.

He alone could take on these five men and women, and he wasn't even breaking a sweat. Merlyn had told me that once Bruce Wayne was offered the position as Heir to the Demon, however he broke their allegiance and started his role in Gotham as the Batman. It made sense that they were trained at the same place, their fighting styles were similar, only Bane was more intense, willing to go for a killshot if need be. It was odd, to think that though I was maybe a foot smaller in height and width, I'd be able to keep up with Bats. "Al Kahin."

I reeled in my focus and turned my eyes to Bane as he came closer to me, using a linen to wipe blood from his fist. I bowed my head respectfully, my red hair falling into my vision until I straightened out again. I held out the flower and watched a small curl come to his lips. "Well done." He took the flower from my grasp and nodded me forward, twisting the stem between his fingers as we walked. "You don't say much these days."

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