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I dropped Selina off at our old place in Gotham but I didn't go in, we said our goodbyes outside and parted ways. I ditched the car, the Ohio plates were a dead give away and it'd be better off for myself if I didn't come back to Central City in a car that the police might've been looking for.

As I looked for a suitable, ditchable ride, I walked slow, which probably wasn't wise in this part of town, but I didn't care too much. I had started humming but abruptly stopped when something touched down behind me, quickly turning around but stilling when I was faced with Batman. The smile on my face dropped; I really didn't want to go back to Blackgate. "What do you want with Barry Allen?" he asked, his tone oddly deep. I took a breath and shifted my posture, relaxing some.

"I'm helping him sort through some things," I answered vaguely.

"Such as?" he questioned. I was willing to cooperate, so far he wasn't kicking my lungs into my brain like everyone else who crossed his path. And as long as it remained that way, I didn't mind answering a few questions.

"Ever wonder why his ass kicking has gotten more successful?" I prompted, a smile pulling on my lips. "I like to offer him my assistance." Bats was having a hard time trusting me, that much was certain. He stayed quiet for a moment, and I heaved a sigh, unwilling to look at him while I spoke these next words. "He's safe with me, ya know. I wouldn't let anyone touch him."

It took a moment, but he eventually said, "I know." I still didn't look at him. I had a few run ins with Batman in the past but I was never his focus until now, he never actually fought me as an individual. "I can see you've changed." My breath stuttered and I looked up at him again.

"Its that obvious?" I weakly chuckled.

"The Joker's noticed." The amusement and warmth quickly drained down to my feet and into the pavement.

"I'm guessing you don't care enough for that?" I pointed out, noticing his subtle reluctancy.

"If Barry is in need of my help I'll be there, he's earned it," Bats defended, advancing a few steps towards me. "You haven't." My eyebrows pulled together and I frowned, clearly taking offence to that.

"I've put a target on both of our backs, not just my own, by joining this whole crusade, B-man. After all, isn't the Joker your best buddy?" He was silent for a moment and I took a few steps forward of my own. "I had to listen to that maniac talk about you like you were some sort of god, this opposing force he existed to defy. Looking at you now I really don't see what all the comotion was about." His blue eyes became hard under his mask, and though my tone softened a smidgeon, my resolve didn't. "If you can't do it for me, do it for Barry."

Before he had the chance to do his famed disappearing act, I walked away from him. May not have had the same dramatic affect but its not like I could fly. I could feel my anger warming up my blood, giving me a head rush of a different sort. Being in Gotham just brought up one thing after another, and I couldn't help it when my legs directed themselves to the root of my anger. If I knew where either of my parents were, they'd be the first go to, but I haven't seen my father since I can't remember when and I haven't seen my mother since I was fourteen. So, I went to the only place they had left me, the only connection to family I had. Gotham Cemetary.

It had been so long since I was here, I thought I'd forget the way, forget how it looked, forget how it felt. But my legs moved on the same path they always had, taking the same steps between headstones and markers, taking the same turns, breathing in that same, dead air. It wasn't long before I was stood before the marker that had haunted me since childhood. It was small and only marked with four months of life, but the stone will always chill me, for the name inscripted was Andromeda Cane. This could be the only way the Joker knew about my name, but I don't know if he could make that skewed connection without anyone to point his way.

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