My Life

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There was a thick scab around the back of Barry's ankle, and a few seconds after pulling the stitches out, the skin around it was merely red and irritated, no sign of the holes I'd put through it. "You weren't doing yourself any favors running out of the room," I sighed, "but it's better than last night."

"Sorry," he breathed, relaxing some as I started wrapping it again.

"Don't apologise to me, you're the one hurting yourself." After finishing, I cleaned up what I'd used, coming back to lean against the door frame and admire him as he laid on his stomach. Barry watched me watch him for a minute before rolling on his side and nodding me over. With a soft breath I complied, allowing him to wrap me up in his hold, my eyes closing once I'd found a good spot. "You should keep the facial hair," I hummed. "Looks good on you."

"I just haven't gotten around to shaving," he shrugged. I pressed a soft kiss to his neck, enjoying the heat under his skin before pulling back.

"It's up to you," I giggled, relaxing under him. My body naturally curled around his, I missed the way he let it, letting me cucoon him in my hold. The way he curled into it, nuzzling himself as close to me as possible, told me that he missed my hold just as badly.

"Well, it does make me look less of a baby-faced dork," he shrugged in consideration. I laughed and pushed my fingers through his hair.

"With that jawline, nothing's babyface," I laughed, feeling his smile against my neck.

"You know, if I grow a beard you won't be able to see it anymore." As well as his stretched lips, I could feel the little hairs and his facial structure on my skin.

"Mm, maybe, but these cheekbones," I tsked. "Nothing better but Benedict Cumberbatch." Barry laughed and tightened his grip on me. "They'd be brought out so well."

"If you say so," he chuckled. I took a deep breath when he kissed my neck, loving the good feeling spreading through me. It was different from sneaking away without the fear of supervision and screwing when no one but us had a clue. Now I had the total freedom of being his again, without the fear of having to leave at a moment's notice, without having to steal the time.

"I love you," I sighed, tilting my head for him. "God, Barry, I love you." His right hand left my side and slid under my cheek, his head lifting as he turned mine. I peaked an eye open and grinned at the admiration clearing showing on his face.

"I love you, too, i zoi mou." My other eye opened and I slowly took him in while it adjusted, my grin only growing.

"When did you start speaking Greek?" I questioned.

"Well, see, I tried to learn everything but it got real confusing, so I only learned a couple things. Like, se agapó," he explained, his eyes drifting from me as he rambled.

"You put it into Google, didn't you?" I softly chuckled, his story visibly falling as he nodded and stared at the pillows.

"Yep," he shortly breathed, causing me to laugh some more.

"I love you, too, mátia mou; for the better, you've become my life." I waited for him to look at me again before kissing him, taking a deep breath as he drunk me in. I was just as desperate and wanting of his touch as he was for mine, but he tried to move and hissed in pain, allowing me to hold him still. "But you still need to take it easy."

"I can do that," he tensly breathed, relaxing with his face in the crook of my shoulder.

"Good," I hummed, kissing his cheek and watching his lips curl back before he settled with my arms around him. With the hand closest to his head, I ran my fingers through the hair drifting down his back. Not long after he'd found his spot, he was out again, only awake long enough to eat and secure his clutches around my heart. With a soft sigh, I realized I was trapped under the Snoring Speedster. Still reluctant, I stayed awake as I laid beneath him, entertaining myself with his long locks.

Barry didn't nap for all that long, but when he went down again later that night I decided it was about time to get my crap from that warehouse. It bugged me leaving it all there for as long as I already had, any longer and I'd drive myself crazy. When you give yourself completely to the League, the things you have aren't yours, mine becomes a sacred word, the possesions become holy grails: the satalite phone, for example. It was my secret that I don't know how I managed to keep, it set me apart from the rest of them, gave me a direct link to the outside world, reenforced the idea of my former self.

I'm sure there were others with their own stash of contraband, something that kept them human, I couldn't have been the only one. I looked into my access window and quickly ducked, finding a figure hunched on the floor. Slowly, I opened the window and pulled myself inside, grabbing one of my throwing stars as I took a deep breath. With a chill on my arms, I lifed the star and flicked it easily, tingles settling in my fingertips as I approached the figure.

With a soft thunk, the star landed in the wood floor not far from the corner of the bag the person was going through, freezing them to their spot. It was dark, even with all the windows, and I couldn't see the color of the jacket, but I readied another star as they stood, the taller they got, the more I could see the fuzz on the drawn up hood. "Relax, Candy Kane. It's only little ol' me," Snart chuckled, dropping his hood as he faced me.

"I told you to leave Barry alone, I've let it slide twice now, don't let this be a third strike that ends our agreement, Lenny," I warned. "What do you think you're doing up here?"

"Well, I could've ended our agreement a while ago, but instead I let you follow me home -- let it slide. Call it even," he chuckled, pulling a serious look from me.

"I don't play games when it comes to him, Len, watch your ground." With a nod of understanding, his expression slowly soured, becoming just as serious as me.

"It's a good thing I didn't come here for him, then." I raised a brow and his gaze dropped to the star, which I slowly lowered and hid with the other few. "I'd like to propose a new arrangement."

"What would this new arrangement entail?" I asked quizically, shifting my footing.

"Lisa and I are going to hit several places around the town, can't be helped, at least a few. While all that goes down, I need you to make a hit for me." I scoffed, shaking my head a bit.

"You probably haven't heard, but I got out. Only reason I'm assassinating anyone is Barry." There was a spark of anger in his expression, but I knew that specific anger; his hands were tied, he couldn't do much and it brought on great frustration. My expression softened and I took a step closer. "What's going on, Len?"

"Our dad," he huffed, "he's a real piece of work."

"Hey, you're my friend and all, but I'm not gunna off your father because you have childhood daddy issues," I explained softly. Snart took a quick step closer and held up a hand, taking a slow breath.

"My dad got us into this life, and now were both so deep in he's using his own children as pawns for his personal gain," he explained through grit teeth. "He's threatening to kill her if we don't go through with it." I put my hand over the back of his, starting to understand. I'd had shitty parents, myself.

"Does she know?" I asked gently. Lenny shook his head, pulling his hand back as he took a moment of silence. "Ya know, Len, it takes a certain typ'a asshole to get me to change my mind. You aren't that asshole," I shrugged, his eyes narrowing on me. "Now, I've seen some screwed up shit, but never in my life have I met someone willing to sacrafice their own children like that." I looked him over with a short nod, "She's a bit bratty for me, but if you give me what I need, I'll see something gets done about him."

I walked around him and grabbed the bag, my eyes drifting in the contents as I zipped it up. "Give me the knife back," I sighed, picking up the bag beside it; just by the weight I could tell it hadn't been rifled through.

"I've been trying to get my hands on one of these for years," he admired, staring down the gas injector of the blade.

"You're the reason I thought of getting it," I chuckled. "You had a point; freeze him at the atomic level and he's not going nowhere." As I came around to the front of him he held my WASP knife by the tip of the blade, meeting my eyes as my left hand took a grip on the handle.

"Thank you, Andy," he quietly mumbled, everything about him softening. With a twitch to my lips, I brought my right hand to his cheek for a moment before bending to pick up the star I threw earlier and leaving.

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