Mátia Mou

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I wasn't nearly as fast as Barry, but I was definately stealthier. He was so lost in Stephen King he didn't even notice me until I crawled into his lap and peeked over the top of his book. "Christine," I admired. "Didn't think you were much of a car man."

"If I had a magic car, I might be," he chuckled, resting his wrists against my thighs. He was still holding the book open so I slipped my hands between the pages and gently took it from his grasp, holding his place with one hand while the other replaced his bookmark. His hands rested lightly on my hips when I turned back to him, his curiosity pretaining to my actions clear.

With Barry, it didn't take much to make even the smallest of moments intimate. Now, it had become so if only because of how he lightly dragged his fingers down my arms. He was always so tenative, he made the littlest things feel huge. When his hands got to mine, I copied his actions and let my fingers drift over his, learning the pattern of divits in his skin. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, refering to time before this where he'd up and left.

"It's fine. You aren't the first person to leave me hot and bothered," I chuckled. I was angry at first, but when duty calls, Barry always answers, and he took the call that night. He was almost more devoted to his job than he was to me, maybe in equal amounts. Faster than he had been, I slid my hands up to his shoulders and played with the ends of his fast-growing hair, mostly envious of it. If it didn't take so long for my hair to grow, I'd get it cut more often.

I knew why he was taking it slow, his heart rate got fast enough to make him, quite literally, vibrate. I knew it startled him at first, but he'd have to learn to deal with it somehow. I didn't have a problem with it, if anything it added a new thrill to our dynamic. But it all hinged on Barry's oppinion of the matter. If he was still unsure, I'd mind my space over it. I mostly just wanted his attention right now.

With the slightest bit of hesitancy, he leaned towards me, a smile breaking on my lips about a second before he kissed me. Feeding my instinctive need to hold him there, my fingers curled around the back of his neck, smoothing across his skin and up to the base of his hairline. I couldn't help the small giggle that bubbled up my throat when I gently tugged at his hair and he made a small sound, giggling further when he pulled away with faux anger.

"What?" I laughed, only tangling my fingers further in his hair. "I like your little sounds."

"You don't have to laugh," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. If anything, his defense made me laugh more. Barry leaned back in his chair, his hands motionless as they rested on the side of my thighs. I wasn't laughing anymore, but I was grinning as I ran my thumb over his jaw.

"It's not my fault you're accidentally cute. You try not to be but it's still there," I pointed out softly, dragging my other thumb over his lips. When he looked impatient, I added, "It's what makes you you, Barry. I love it." My lips twitched at his instant shock from my choice of words before I moved my thumb and kissed him again. It was the closest I'd come to describing what I felt for him, at least verbally. I could tell he appreciated it because he bore no hesitation when he put his hands back on my hips, foregoing my shirt altogether just to get skin contact.

I kept track of his pulse with a few fingers on his neck; seconds after it accelerated like crazy, his chest vibrated and he pulled away with a deep breath. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I retracted my hands from his hair and placed them on his quickly moving chest. "It's okay, Barry," I sighed. I wasn't gunna ask, but he probably hadn't gotten laid since the lightning, judging buy his reaction now. "I'll let you in on a secret," I whispered teasingly. "Most girls would see this as a bonus."

I chuckled to myself and relaxed my posture as I sat in his lap, his muscles tensing but the vibrating remaining constant. It made his chest and my hands blurry. "Look at it this way," I continued when he still silently sat there, waiting for his chest to still. "I know what I signed myself up for." Keeping one hand on his chest, I grabbed his hand and held it to my cheek. "When I pick my poison, I default to speed. And trust me, what you do is a lot better than the drug."

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