All Hands on Deck

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"I saw my dad yesterday. I think he's mad that you hadn't left sooner, but he notices how it affects me. He told me that he called it, that he knew you were bad news even before I met you," Barry sighed. Well, Henry wasn't wrong. "I haven't told him I'm the Flash, so I can't exactly tell him just how good you are." He paused and took a tense breath, not all that surprised when he changed the subject. "When I asked to see you, I didn't mean for you to slip in when I'm sleeping. Give me another address, I'll be there." There was a short pause before he added, "I love you," and hung up.

With a sigh, I deleted the replayed message and tucked the phone away, tilting my head as I watched the building. My target was just beginning to settle in to their room when I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end, turning my head to find Talia beside me. "What is your report, Al Kahin?"

"Eyes on target," I instantly relayed, nodding to the builing across from us. "Waiting for his company to dwindle."

"You hesitate?" she questioned, making me clench my jaw behind my mask.

"No, mistress. But if you wish for me to add the senseless killings of a few hookers into the mix, I have no problem obliging." I could see the regret in her choice of more humor in me; I had a bit of trouble still finding the line between funny and disrespectful.

"Very well, proceed as you intended," she decided, dark eyes darting from the building to me. I bowed my head and felt tingles in my hands and feet, her image passing as I got comfortable and waited.

Having bought off one of my target's men, I was just waiting for my odds to even out and for my informant to give me the signal. It took a couple of hours, but the window was open before the escorts had left, someone sticking their head out and taking a slow look around. I was sure that from my perch I could see him but he couldn't see me, the informant slowly pulling his head back inside and returning to his regular duties. I could've gone now to kill everyone inside, but I'd already told Talia I wouldn't, so I waited until they were paid and sent on their way.

Stretching a bit, I bent and picked up Merlyn's bow, turning it over in my hands to adjust to the weight. Talia had bestowed it upon me after his capture and gave me some training with it, but I hardly enjoyed archery, only using it when necessary. Grabbing the arrow I'd set aside and resting it against the string, I slowly pulled it back. Taking a slow breath, I felt a chill over my arms and guided them on instinct, releasing the arrow at the start of my exhale. A wire cable flew past me, pulling the slack with the arrow until it pulled taut against where I'd secured the other end. Setting down the bow, I decided the League had better gadgets than Bats did, even if he'd minimalized the effort.

I folded one of the stronger linens several times before swinging it over the cable, wrapping each end around a hand and pulling on it to test my weight. I pulled it back a few steps as I took a deep breath, running off the edge of the building. It was a little harder to do with the wind rushing past me, but I tapped into the Speed Force to control my momentum, instantly hooking my foot onto the edge of the glass window. Bracing myself against the side of the building, I got a hand inside as well, securing my balance before reaching up with a sai and cutting the arrow in half.

I put my feet safely on the floor before catching back up with everything, the cable falling to rest against the other building as I quietly made my way through this one. I found a guard with his back turned to me, slapping a hand over his mouth and pulling him backwards as I slit his throat. I carefully laid him down, sure not to get any of the expelling blood on myself as I continued on. Sticking myself to a corner as another turned his head, I ran forward when he turned back around, kicking his knee out and stabbing him in the neck. Unfortunately, his finger twitched around the trigger of the automatic in his hand, so I hit it from the side and started pulling him away, barely ducking down with the body safely covered as footsteps congregated outside the room. Shit.

I peaked over the desk I hid behind and found Legless' gun in clear view. Rolling myself past the doorway, I snatched up the AK and held it to my chest, pressing myself up against the wall as I listened. "Spread out, no body's letting off shots for shits and giggles. Eyes open, that means you, Jerkoff." I rolled my eyes at the banter and slid myself down the wall, tucking the gun safely out of sight.

I stayed in my spot as two men walked past me, neither of them listening to the man who spoke, apperantly. Once they branched off I followed the taller one, easily taking him down. Though, when his body dropped, another stood not too far away. He raised a pistol as I starting running towards him, my hand clamping down on the barrell, my fingers switching the slide lock and the clip release as he pulled the trigger, pulling the slide back and dropping the mag in one motion, forcing the sai under his chin in the next breath. I stepped back a bit before withdrawing the weapon, moving on soon after. The sounds of two bodies hitting the floor had alerted the others, and thankfully, there were only two left. "Hey!"

I snapped around and found someone aiming another AK at me, so I used the Speed Force to place myself behind him, leaving him aiming at open space as I tapped his shoulder. He hadn't even turned all the way around before I pushed my sai through his chest at an upward angle, pulling down a second later and turning my gaze to the remainder: my informant. I slowly walked towards him, panic clear as he held his pistol beside his head and threw it, not stopping me as I came closer. "W-we had a deal," he whimpered, eyes darting from me to the bloody remnant of his crew and back again.

"We did. Consider it paid." I flipped my sai around and hit him in the temple with the butt of the handle, dropping him unconscious. I never said what I'd be paying you with, looks like it'd be your life, I thought as I cleaned my blade on his shirt. I turned my sights on the one door I'd avoided until now, preparing myself to kick it down. The lights above me flickered and I heard static, slightly turning my head.

"Snart warned me about the Assassin Kissed by Fire. I didn't believe him until now." I took a breath and sheathed my weapon, clasping my hands at my back.

"If you wanted to see me this badly, mátia mou, I surely could've aranged something." I turned the rest of the way around, meeting the rock and a hard place I found myself between: the rock being the Flash and the hard place being the mission.

"You can't kill all these people," he informed, his lips in a hard line.

"Give me some credit, I'm leaving one alive," I taunted, feeling my lips pull up behind my mask. "You would've came after them eventually, right?"

"I wouldn't have killed any of them," he growled, stepping closer. I took equal steps back, soon finding myself at the door.

"And just look how dull things have gotten without me."

"I don't know who you are," he spat, gluing me in place. "I don't know who you are, because this isn't the girl I love." My fingers closed around the knob, finding it, of course, locked.

"If that's true you've never known me, because you got a glance of this on day one," I challenged, my eyebrows coming together. "No matter how hard you deny it, you know in your soul that I'm not good, you know I'm a murderer." I brought my foot up to rest against the door as Barry neared me, hating the anger that was directed at me. "Hurting you's the last thing I wanna do, mátia mou, but it's still on the list." I brought my foot up and kicked in the door, tapping into the Speed Force myself when I saw a strip begin to climb up his shoulder. I ran until I saw the target laid out on the bed, flicking a throwing star at his head as Barry caught up to me.

He had opted to tackle me instead of going for the star, the metal flying through the air as we went crashing to the floor. Of all the times Barry and I had been tangled up together, this was the least pleasurable, my wrists pinned at the sides of my head as he stradled me, both of us squirming for the upper hand. I brought my knee up into his back, mostly hurting myself against the plating of his suit, before deciding to fling my head up at his. Ugh, no one expects a headbutt...

I shook my head and scrambled out from under him, getting my feet under myself as I headed for the balcony. I could feel his fingers brush against mine but I didn't stop, flinging myself over the edge without a second's thought. "Andy!" Barry screamed, apperantly not seeing the pool below me until afterwards. I folded up before hitting the water, chilling me completely as I pushed myself to the surface. Shaking my head, I pulled my mask off and gasped in air, looking over my shoulder as I swam to the edge, unable to discern his features against the red of his suit. He hung over the railing for a moment as I pulled myself out, giving him a two fingered salute before finding my exit of the last twenty or so floors.

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