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To say we got things done when we got to Barry's place would be a lie. I sat in his lap with my fingers running through his hair, his lips dotting kisses over my collarbone and as far down my chest as he could reach from this angle. I missed his closeness far too much, pulling his naked body closer to mine. "I love you," I whispered, kissing his temple for a long moment.

"I love you, too," he breathed, almost sounding like a whine. For a long minute, I just focused on the feeling of his chest pushing against mine, both of our breathing rhythms a bit labored. I hummed and shifted a bit when his fingers ran up my back, stopping a good distance away from the brand. "What?" Barry lifted his head and met my gaze, his eyes half-lidded but his attention completely on me.

"Nothing," I breathed, shaking my head at myself. "It's just that the band on my arm was my choice. What's on my back is a custom." His brows pulled together in a soft frown so he stretched his legs out enough to get me to turn, a breathless moan leaving me for other reasons. I tried not to let my discomfort show as he ran his fingers over the arrowhead, but soon after my lips pulled into a tight line he stopped, eyes back on my face.

"What'd they do to you?" he wondered aloud, running his thumb over my cheek.

"I'm worried about what they'd do to you," I redirected. "They already want me to kill you."

"You won't," he denied. "And if it did come down to that, I'd prefer it to be you." I rolled my eyes and moved back into a comfortable spot, feeling Barry's thighs tense under me.

"Let's please not talk about that, not like this," I sighed, instantly drawing a nod from him. His fingers slid over the sea shell in consolation, pressing his forehead to mine as he took a deep breath.

"I've needed you so bad," he whined, pulling me flush to him. "Thank you for coming back to me." I pressed my lips to his with a nod, wrapping an arm around his neck as he drank up my stuttering breath.

"Thank you for taking me back." Barry hooked an arm under my leg and laid me back on the bed, causing my chest to arch into his.

"You don't call me smart boy for no reason," he chuckled softly. "I'd be stupid to give you up."

A chill ran down my spine, making me pull out of Barry's reach. "Something's wrong," I muttered, hastily dressing myself.

"Dromi?" he asked grogily, pulling himself out of a nap.

"I have to go," I excused in a rush, sliding my legs through jeans.

"Woah, hey." Static bit my ears following his voice, his hands on either side of my face. "Breathe."

"I have to go," I stated slower, hurt in my eyes as they met his. "I don't want to leave but--" His lips were on mine, breathing for me when I didn't give him the response he wanted.

"Relax, and come back to me," he informed, pulling away for a view of me as I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you," I breathed, stepping into my shoes when he sat back on his bed, leaving his exposed body for my enjoyment as I left. Oh, I owe that boy too much. I made my way back to my place as quickly as possible, switching out my street clothes for my linens as soon as I had access to them.

The chill that initially ran down my spine hadn't left, the cold had settled on my skin, making my vertebrae feel like individual pieces of ice. Once I had a moment, I closed my eyes and took a slow breath, only getting a glimpse of the chruch we used when we'd initially arrived in Central City. It wasn't far from here, but it still took a couple minutes to reach. I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary from the outside, so I made my way onto the roof and through the bell tower.

Soothsayer ⚡ Barry AllenWhere stories live. Discover now