Loop Around and Back Again

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With a backpack of our clothes and whatnot on my back and a duffle bag of his gear in my hands, I climbed onto Barry's back and relaxed against him, focusing on the way he adjusted his hands under my thighs while being careful of my right hip. "You ready?" he asked, turning his head a bit towards me.

"As I'll ever be." I locked my hands together around the duffle and took a deep breath, instantly blinking as he started running. He hadn't told me why we were going to Gotham, only that he needed to be there. I opened my eyes as the warmth created by his friction began to spread from him to me, watching as far as the lightning strips reaching ahead of us would allow. It was a nine and a half hour drive from Central City to Gotham, but by Barry's velocity we'd be there in roughly ten seconds. But, Barry being Barry, he liked to run just slow enough for me to enjoy the ride. I had barely processed a sign showing New Jersey state limits before saying, "Wait."

My chest pressed hard into his back as he stopped, setting me on my feet but taking the bag from my hand to help stablize me. I blinked a few times to read a sign maybe a hundred feet down the empty highway that marked Gotham's city limits before focusing on him. From stateline to coastline in a millisecond, I'll never be used to that. "What's up?" he asked, brushing some of my hair from my face. I bit my lip and brought my hands around his hips, not quite ready to face a room full of superheroes.

"Will you show me the Batcave?" I asked curiously, watching mild confusion take over his expression.

"We weren't even headed there," he explained, his eyes studying me. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded, not wanting him to worry any. "I just want some slow integration at first, see just what I made you drag me into. Just me and you for a little bit." Dragging his fingers down my cheek, he nodded and kissed my forehead, taking my short silence from there as the okay to start going again, just scooping me up this time without being up to speed with me before he grabbed me and when the world stopped, I was in a dark, mostly black and grey cave with a computer system that put Barry's to shame.

Silently walking down the little strip, I looked to the suits on display; one of Bats' older suits was hung up, along with his Robin suit I remember the Joker defacing, spray painted grafiti similar to that behind my ear. 'Hahahaha jokes on you, Batman.' As I stared a little longer, I had to blink away being choked by Jason, rubbing my neck a little as I looked at the mighty, feared Batmobile. I've seen this thing take down crowds of people without anyone being in it, so when I spotted a new, bigger, tank-ish vehicle, I turned to Barry. "I haven't seen this one before."

"That's the Knightcrawler. Since he started the League, he's renovated a lot, made it more team-accessible." I nodded and looked between the two black and mostly tinted windowed vehicles before turning to fully face him, the micheviousness on my face taking him by surprise.

"Which one you wanna defile?" I asked with a small grin, wrapping my fingers around his.

"Andy," he hissed, his cheeks starting to flush as he paused. "Is that why you wanted to come here?" he asked quietly. If I didn't know any better, I'd think there was some reprimand in his tone.

"Not really, but since we're here," I giggled, resting my other hand on his tummy. "You can't tell me some part of you doesn't wanna stick it to Bats." I could feel his fingers tense around mine, watching him mull it over. "We don't even have to be all that long, just enough to have said we did it." I placed a small kiss on his chin as my fingers brushed the waistband of his jeans, my grin growing at the way I could feel the heat in his face from here.

Releasing a deep breath, Barry closed his eyes before deciding, "Knightcrawler, we can't be longer than half an hour." My grin grew and I dropped the backpack, bringing my arms around his neck as he set down the bag of his gear. I laughed as he quickly lifted me by the thighs before kissing me, zapping us inside with me in his lap. With his lips still on mine, his fingers pushed my shirt up my back while mine pulled at his hair to angle his head. I ran my thumbs under his jaw a couple times before he ran the cloth up to my arms, waiting for my cooperation before removing it.

I hummed when my shirt fell to the floor, his lips quickly locking on my neck as I brought my hands to his jeans. "Infernal waste of time," I grumbled when this position made it hard to remove the denim. With a smile, Barry chuckled and vibrated a patch of my neck, I gasped when I got pinched by static followed by the special warmth of our electrified skin cells meeting. "Smart boy," I praised, running my fingers through his hair as I brought my hips closer to his.

"Boy?" he questioned, stopping my hips a moment before I could make contact.

"Well, you definately aren't a girl," I laughed, grabbing his wrist and smiling when he complied and let me move his hand. A wavering breath left me when I centered my hips on Barry's, feeling his finger tips start digging into my back as a soft whimper left him. I allowed him to set the rhythm as I brought his lips back to mine, noticing how his focus drifted back and forth from my lips to the movement of his hips.

We hadn't been like this long before Barry froze, his eyes aimed over my shoulder as his lips left mine. With a short sigh, I stepped up my own motions to make up for his stillness. "Someone's using the elevator," he breathed, tightening his grip on my waist and holding me still. I moaned when he ran, the bags now in the Crawler with us as I laid face down against the floor, Barry's back pressed against the wall as he held a hand in the center of my back to keep me down. I could already feel my legs start to tremble as I curled them behind his back, biting my lip at the fact that I reeled him in enough that even at the threat of an audience, he had reconnected us at the hips, able to feel each tremble against him as I panted under his hand.

I thought drugs and sex was a good combo, there was nothing in this world to compare to sex with Barry's special friction. With his right hand, he gently held my hip as I instinctually moved against him, feeling the fingers of his left drift over my back, holding me mostly still. "Bare," I sighed, pushing my hips back into his and loving the groan it elicted.

"Shh," he informed, looking out the window above me. I only heard the elevator as the doors opened, smiling at the curse under Barry's breath. "Damnit, Alfred." Alfred? I raised my head to look but closed my eyes when he leaned forward to push my head back down, his fingers drifting through my hair pushing away my thoughts of the old man I saw.

"Are you still here, Mr. Allen?" a British voice called, echoing through the cave. I giggled when I realized Bats was alerted at our arrival, wondering who this Alfred man was. I hissed but quieted when he squeezed my fresh tattoo in warning, the light pain enough to make me fall into line, still breathing heavy. It was only after Alfred returned to the elevator that Barry relaxed, now allowing me to raise myself.

"What he said," I softly laughed, not quite having achieved my goal yet. That and we had at least another fiften minutes on his estimation, twenty if I'm lucky. "You still here?" I didn't need his help laying back into the floor when he began guiding my hips again, a chuckle rumbling his chest.

"They'll be expecting us soon," he informed as I followed his movements, adding enough of my own wiggle to it to make his breath catch.

"So make it worth it, Mr. Allen," I encouraged.

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