Cut The Disney Moments

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I had stuck myself in Cat's apartment for the next few days, trying to avoid the reality of my traitorous emotions. Cat had the day off, as usual, and was working tonight so she agreed to have a Disney movie marathon with me until she had to go. We had already gotten through Lilo & Stitch and the remake of Beauty and the Beast and were now most of the way through Tangled.

Beneath it all, I was a softy and a sucker for that damned Rapunzel, so when her and her Eugene sung on the lake, I teared up; hadn't been the first time, either. I had a corner of a blanket crumpled in my hand and used it to dry the occassional tear, both of us jumping when there was a knock on the door. Selina spared me a glance, decided I was unfit to answer it, and stood to answer the door herself.

"The lights are for you, Rapunzel," Eugene realized, pulling several more tears from me with her wide, doe eyes. The animated blonde almost reminded me of Terra.

"Andy, it's for you." I turned my head as she stepped out of the doorway, Barry watching me from the hall with concern.

"Oh," I mumbled, dragging my hands under my eyes. "Hey, Barry." I turned around and paused the movie, gaining a composure again as I walked over. "What's up?"

"You okay?" he cautiously chuckled, his eyes darting to Selina as she walked away before darting back to my pink eyes.

"Yeah, Disney's just stepped it up a notch since I've been gone," I lightly laughed. I leaned against the door and watched him take in Selina's shadowy apartment. "Why are you here, Barry?" I asked with pleasant skepticism.

"I hadn't heard from you in a few days...I was starting to worry." I smiled down at the floor for a moment, nearly giving myself whiplash when I turned back to Selina as she played the movie without me. Shaking my head at her, I grabbed the door handle and walked forward, pushing Barry back a few steps so I could shut the door.

"How's the leg?" I started softly. My guilt for his injury still hadn't lessened, even if it had healed by now.

"Great, good as new," he nodded. I nodded, too, glad that it wasn't bothering him anymore.

"I thought I told you not to follow me?" I prompted for the lack of anything else to say, watching a sheepish smile take over Barry's cheeks.

"I didn't. I just figured you'd be here," he shrugged.

"Uh huh," I laughed, leaning my back against the door. "And what did you figure would happen when you found me?"

"Not this interrogation," he chuckled a bit nervously. "I was, uh, actually hoping you'd come over to my place for a while." There was a light flush to his cheeks, I hardly even noticed it, so I nodded with a giggle.

"Yeah," I giggled out, opening the door and moving with it as it swung open. I nodded him in and came off the door, grabbing a magazine and tossing it at Cat. "I'm going out, you can come off the Disney," I explained when she scowled at me.

"Not until it's over," she defended, curling further under the blanket. I rolled my eyes and stepped into a pair of flats before turning back to a confused Barry.

"She's an adult child," I informed in a whisper, snickering when she threw the magazine back at me. "I'll see you later, Sel."

"Yup," she called, not breaking away from the TV as I led Barry out of the building.

The air in his hideout was different when he led me inside, and when he flicked on the lights, everything booted up and I saw why. His computer screens each displayed different mugshots; some I knew, some I only heard of, the others were completely foreign to me. "What am I looking at, Barry?" I asked quietly as I stepped closer, my eyes glued to a picture of Selina.

"I'm canvassing. Thought that since we're working together now, I'd let you in on it. These are the criminals currently residing in Central City." I slowly nodded, turning even slower to face him.

"I'm just putting it out there now, but there are some people I won't help with, and there are some people I won't let you touch," I explained calmly. "I have my reasons, but if you asked I'd probably tell you. I just rather you went along with it." Barry nodded as well, stepping over into the desked area.

"Any starters?" I put my finger on Selina's mugshot. "You live with a cat burglar," he acknowledged. "The cat burglar, at that."

"Selina Kyle is good. She was the one decent person and she's still taking care of me. You leave her be." Barry and I locked eyes for a tense moment, he must've noticed I wasn't going to budge because he sighed and nodded, motioning me to continue with the names. It took another tense moment for me to build up more courage to speak the next words. "I don't want you going after the Joker or his crew."

"Andy, he's just about the worst criminal out there!" Barry tried, only strengthening my resolve.

"Exactly! I know what he's capable of. He probably knows that I've gotten out and I don't want any more of a reason for him to come after either of us." I took a step forward and put my hand on top of his folded arms, giving him a firm, pleading look. "I don't want him in Central City, but he will come if his people here start getting locked up. Please, don't tangle with them."

My voice was softer now than it was when I was talking about Selina. I was just as adamant about both, but it was my fear of the Clown Prince that softened out my voice, Barry could probably see it in my eyes, because he stiffly nodded with his lips in a tight line. "Alright. Anyone else?" I looked over the screens once more before shaking my head.

"Not at the moment," I mumbled, removing my hand from his arm as I looked over the people I knew. "Where did you want to start?"

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