Halloweened -- Andy Style

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I chewed on my lip in worry, barely able to stand watching Barry try and walk from his bed to the door, crumbling about halfway there. I was instantly at his side, arms wrapping around his torso as I helped him upright again. "One more day," I breathed. "Just give it one more day, then you can do all the running you want."

"It's Wednesday," he whined, and I quickly nodded.

"I know, Bare, but they won't let you in there on crutches and you can hardly walk three feet," I sighed sympathetically. "You need to give your body the rest it needs, Speedster or not. Come on." With one jerkish motion, I pulled him up to his one foot and got him to hobble back to the bed, sitting him down with a tense sigh. "You can see him tomorrow, mátia mou." When he sighed I kissed the top of his head, feeling his fingers slide around my hips as he held me tightly.

"Can you take my mind off it?" he asked into my stomach. I nodded and thought it over for a second with a chuckle.

"A year ago, I met this kid. And for the better part of this last year, he's been the biggest part of my life." He leaned back some as I kneeled on the edge of the bed, carefully straddling him while trying not to put too much pressure on his right leg. I ran my thumb over his temple a couple times, coaxing him to meet my eye as he gave me a small smile. "If you would've came up to me in prison and told me that I'd be a vigilante's rat gone assassin with every part of me belonging to that kid, I wouldn't have believed you. But I'm so happy, it makes me wonder if I was actually happy through the rest of my life." His smile grew a bit and I pushed some hair from his face. "I love you, Barry Allen."

"I love you, Andromeda Cane." With a smile of my own I kissed him, letting him lean back on the bed and take me with him.

I relaxed in Barry's hold, allowing him to place soft kisses up and down my back. I tried not to let it bother me when he placed a lingering kiss to the cut on my shoulder or the arrowhead branded into the other side, I'd done it for him, after all. Besides that, this was for him; to ease his rapid mind, to hold his attention, to have me as close as he can physically get. If I didn't mind the rest, I shouldn't mind a small detail. "What did you call yourself? The lady called you the same thing," he softly wondered. I drapped my arm over the one he held around my waist and laced our fingers over his knuckles.

"When you enter the League, you're stripped of your personality, your name, essentially the person you were before them. They give you a new name, because the person from before is dead. I was 'reborn' as Al Kahin," I explained, leaning back into his touch.

"What does that mean?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the familiar phrase, finally feeling home -- at least until this little high wore off.

"Soothsayer," I hummed. "But we rarely spoke English. Mostly Arabic."

"If you were so bad, why'd they call you something so beautiful?" he mumbled, a smile evident in his words as he nuzzled himself into my neck. "You can't have been so terrible." I chuckled and relaxed, his breath fanning over my skin further instilling the peace in me.

"After all we've gone through together, you still believe I'm not as bad as everyone keeps telling you?" I asked, turning my head and smiling at him.

"I know it," Barry assured, meeting my eye. "I know it with every part of me. It's time you start believing it, too."

"Just like everything else, I'm sure you'll have no problem convincing me." His smile grew and he placed a kiss to my neck, closing my eyes at the simple action.

"I'll do my best," he mused, a quirk to his lips as they rested against my skin.

"You always do." I brought his hand to my lips and placed a long kiss to his palm before putting it on his thigh and crawling myself to the edge of the bed. The drawer on the nightstand was slightly ajar, and I could see my blue leatherbound sketchbook inside. Barry resumed leaving kisses over my lower back as I opened the drawer and pulled it out, relaxing back on the pillows as I opened it up. I smiled at the picture of him, admiring my handiwork for a moment before turning it over and finding the folded page of the park right behind it.

I flipped through the rest of the pages, my focus drifting when his hand slid up my stomach. "You kept this?" I asked softly, his face only lifting enough to see the sketchbook.

"It was the closest thing I had to you," he hummed. "Most recent connection." I closed my eyes and set down the book as Barry secured his hold around my hips with his other hand latched around my left breast, easily pulling me back to him. "But now I have the real thing." I smiled and leaned back into him, loving the way his fingers smoothed distractedly over my skin as he rested his face against my neck.

"And I'm all yours," I sighed contently, reaching up to cup the back of his head. A soft moan left him and he tightened his grip on me, tangling our legs together while I ran my fingers through his hair.

"As you should be." He kissed my neck and relaxed, all the while keeping his grip on me tight. I opened my eyes and admired the way his body curled around mine, bringing my empty hand up to his bicep.

"Thank you for forgiving me, mátia mou," I softly added.

"I'm nothing without you, i zoi mou," he whipsered sleepily, adjusting his hold a bit. I took a deep breath, feeling my chest warm at the words.

"You're wonders without me. I'm just a bonus," I chuckled, his soft laughter dancing over my skin.

"If you say so," he breathed. His thumb slowed it's motion and rested against my collarbone, a breathy laugh leaving my lips as I relaxed here. And I do. My eyes fell to my sketchbook, wondering what else of mine he had stashed away. It took a bit, but his hold eventually relaxed enough, his breathing evened out, and his heartrate slowed. Even then, I was skeptical if he was actually asleep or not. It's not even that he was a light sleeper, because he just wasn't. Not with the twenty alarms I've somehow learned to sleep through on good days.

Even after I was sure he was out, I waited another fifteen minutes before moving, pulling the blanket over Barry, getting dressed, and walking out of the bedroom. I looked over the desk and test dummy Flashed up, looking behind them to a door. There was too much going on in this area, made it hard to see around -- or through. I quietly made my way over and walked inside, closing the door before turning on the light. I was surprised to find a second bedroom; decorated, organized, clean, looked regularly went through, a bed that was occasionally slept on by the look of it. It could've been stranger, definately, but it almost bothered me that it was decorated with my stuff, the stuff I'd left behind.

After a quick go through of the room, I realized this is where he kept my stuff, with the exceptions of a few things. Where those were missing, he'd improvised with things he knew I liked, done up similarly to his own room. A couple of my pieces were even hung up. I laid back on the bed, taking a deep breath. It still smelled like Barry in here, but lacked the main component, which was just fine by me. Curling myself under the blankets, I relaxed myself into sleep.

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