Friendly Neighborhood Warning

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I smiled as I wrapped my legs around Barry's middle, allowing him to rest back against my chest as I ran my hand through his hair, loving the softness of his black curls. He was finally able to put his hair in a pony tail, so it was long enough to try to start braiding. "Let me know if I'm pulling too hard," I informed, kissing the top of his head before starting.

"Mhm," Barry hummed, his eyes closed as his fingers drifted over my shins. The most difficult part about his hair was that it had been trained to lay flat against his head, so bending it in odd directions caused some protest within the thick strands. Despite the minor issue, I was able to pull it all into a single braid fairly decently. He only stopped trailing his fingers of one hand over my leg to hand me a hairtie. After making tiny adjustments, I kissed the side of his head and rested my arms over his shoulders. "Thanks," he mumbled. He turned his head just enough to kiss me, his lips landing mostly on the side of my nose, a little on my cheek as he clamped his a hand on my wrists and ankles as he stood.

Being a bit of a monkey, I was able to turn myself around so we faced each other, a smile donned on my lips. "My pleasure, mátia mou." I kissed him when he got his fingers under my knees, allowing him to set my feet on the ground since I still had my arms around his neck and my lips locked on his.

"I have to get going, Andy," he chuckled against my lips, only pulling enough away to allow for speech.

"Good thing you're a Speedster, you'll be there in no time." I relaxed when his hands came up to either side of my face, my smile wide as he pulled away and I looked up at him. "I love you," I murmured, feeling the truth of it double when he returned his lips to mine.

"I love you, too," he whispered, his lips lighty brushing against mine with the words before he zapped himself away. Taking a deep breath, I wrapped my arms around myself and stayed in one spot, enjoying the sensation he left me with. Deciding I was in too good of a mood at the moment to stay cooped up, I put on my denim jacket and went on a walk. I was maybe fifteen minutes into it before the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

Although my pace didn't change, my mood did, and it wasn't hard to release the knife sown into my sleeve as I waited. Before I could take control of the situation, I felt a hand on my elbow, a low, familiar voice informing, "Put it away, Candy Kane."

"Don't call me that," I hissed. "Kane isn't even my last name." I took a shallow breath as I replaced the knife, looking up to Snart with confusion. "What do you want?"

"You've been a little all over the place. All things considered, I decided you needed a check up." I scoffed and chuckled for a moment.

"Yeah, thanks, Dr. Cold," I laughed. "But I have other people for that."

"First off, it's Captain" -- I laughed loudly and shook my head, ignoring his irritated look -- "secondly, I'm not the only one around who notices you beating people bloody for the Flash." I gave him a pointed look and took a corner without warning, smirking when I noticed Snart's inability to keep with my pace.

"Brooks was for Magenta, not Flash," I defended. "What I do with Flash helps my vendetta."

"And what does Barry think of that ordeal?" he questioned, easily bringing my eyes back to him.

"He doesn't know." Leonard's eyebrow raised and the curl that grew on the ends of his lips was unpleasant.

"You wanna know what I think?" he directed, only increasing my unease.

"Not particularly, no," I sighed, though I had a feeling he'd tell me anyway.

"I think your boy Barry is our city's Scarlet Speedster." I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace.

"And what gave you that maniac conclusion?" I scoffed. I could bullshit my way out of this, so long as he didn't have any solid proof. Then we'd be fucked.

"You don't align yourself with people who can't get you anywhere, Andy. It's one of your rules." I laughed and looked out to the street before quickly jogging across it, stepping onto the curb and turning my head. A smile cracked on my lips when Leonard hastily followed behind me, several cars honking at him as he caught up to me again.

"I've got a new setta rules, Lenny. Gotta adapt 'em to the world today. And Barry's got ne sais quoi about him." With a deep sigh, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a less populated part of the sidewalk to avoid the traffic of pedestrians.

"I know what you're trying to get yourself into, Andy. It's no good." I broke his hold but didn't step away, a hard glare on my face.

"Nearly everything in my life is no good. What's the matter with one more?" I tried to step into the flow of people but Snart's hand closed around mine, jerking me back to stand under his cold, blue stare that was somehow less cold in this moment.

"You don't want to owe those people anything. You will if you go to them, if they don't kill you first." I'd only ever seen him display concern when it came to Lisa, it was so odd seeing it as he maintained serious eye contact with me.

"What's this about, Lenny?" I questioned, talking a half step back. Releasing my hand, he laid his on my shoulder, a half-ish smile on his face.

"I told you, I respect you and your free roam. But I'd hate to see you taken out of the game." It was only after he took a few steps back from me for me to realize that though he was in his parka in mid May, there was no sign of the gun, it's holster, or the goggles. "You be careful out there." As easy as you think it'd be to see a six foot one man wearing a fuzzy hooded parka in a crowd of people, I lost Snart in seconds, sighing before looping back to home.

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