Damnit, Disney!

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I don't know why I did it. Every time Barry runs with me, the urge just gets stronger and stronger, I was just sick of fighting it. Though, it didn't seem to be the right time, because I hadn't heard from him in a few days but the Flash was plenty active. Turns out that beauty Iris got a job at Central City Picture News. She had a little blog for Barry's alter-ego, which eventually got her the job on city wide Flash updates.

Selina had to take a trip and this was the third day she was gone. I was so lonely in her apartment, Joshua became my new best friend, he sat through a whole Star Wars marathon with me. That took a while, and he only left to do hit catly duties. When the movie was paused or during the quiet parts, I spoke to him as if he was a person -- he certainly acted like it -- and could respond -- which he had, in his own way.

"C'mere," I chuckled pathetically at myself, gesturing the feline closer as I held back tears. Damn Disney even did well with Star Wars. Eventually, Joshua came over and sat in my lap, allowing me to cuddle him up to my chest. There was a crashing in the bedroom, almost like when I had to climb through the window. Leaving the movie playing, I clutched Joshua to my chest and stood, slowly coming around to the doorway.

I heard a soft, "Ow," and sighed deeply, setting down the calico and rubbing my hands on my shirt before wiping the tears off my face and walking in. I folded my arms over my chest and stared down at Barry, my expression reprimanding but a glint of humor in my eyes. "Hey..." he mumbled awkwardly.

"Get up," I chuckled, holding my hand out to him. He stared at it for a long moment before hesitantly taking my hand. After pulling him to his feet, Barry let go of my hand to gently brush his thumb under my eye.

"Disney again?" He looked up a bit and smiled as the Star Wars theme started up. I mentally cursed myself for losing what anger I was holding against him, that boyish attitude got me every time.

"Yeah," I shrugged, turning only slightly away from him hand "They knew how to do George some justice." I looked down at the floor and watched Joshua curl himself between Barry's legs, easily diverting his attention from me.

"Hey, little guy." Barry scratched behind his ears for a moment before the cat came up and bit at his fingers before scampering off, making me giggle. When I looked up again, Barry was watching me curiously.

"I see you've had plenty luck in the field," I started, able to remind myself why I had been angry at him. There was a glimmer of remorse in his eyes so I turned away, walking into the living room and shutting off the TV as the credits rolled. "You could've at least called."

"I was...distracted..." I rolled my eyes, still not facing him, and sat on the couch, pulling my blanket over my legs.

"Why did you come through the window?" I wondered, watching him sit beside me from the corner of my eyes.

"I had a feeling if I came to the door, you wouldn't have wanted to see me." I frowned and turned to face him, taking in his guilt.

"I will always want to see you, Barry. That much I am certain of." I scooted closer to him but resisted the urge to take his hand. One step forward, three steps back... "You're my comic relief." Barry shortly laughed and a small smirk pulled on my lips, watching as he turned towards me the slightest bit.

Deciding to not hold us those three steps back, I slowly curled my arm around his, watching the way he slid his hand down my wrist before taking my hand. "You're more than that, really... You came to me at my darkest hour and you got reins on me. No one's been able to do that since I was twelve." I wasn't looking at his face anymore, just traced some patterns into his hand with the one that wasn't laced into his fingers.

"Honestly, I still don't think I've managed to do that very well," he shrugged. My hand tightened around Barry's and I took a slow, deep breath.

"You've done better than most." I could feel his hand squeeze in response, tightening his grip to match my own, as well as his eyes on the side of my head, some of my red hair disrupting his sight of my face. As if to fix that problem, Barry reached up with his unoccupied hand and tucked the hair behind my ear; thankfully, he sat at my left and not my right. Otherwise, we'd be having another conversation.

"What happened to make you like this?" I didn't notice I had tilted my head into his hand until I was looking him in the eyes, a conflicted expression on my face.

"I did." Barry sighed, looking conflicted as well. I could see he wasn't wanting to pry but he wanted more than my practiced responses. "It was nice to see you, especially since I have to get to work." I gave him a soft smile before getting up from the couch and walking into Selina's room, pulling off my shirt after I hit the door. I could hear Barry's quick footsteps follow me before they paused and quickly stuttered back out of the room. As if he hadn't seen my bare back before.

"Work?" he called, his voice just outside of the doorway.

"You told me to take the job with Snart. I did. I timed it so I finished the movie and had some time to get ready. But, as things seem to be with you, it didn't go to plan." I was pulling a pair of jeans up my legs when Barry deemed it time to walk back in, watching a moment as I adjusted the denim around my hips.

"I'm sorry, Andy. Will you please stop being mad so we can work together on this?" he whined, a slight pout to his lip. I got an involuntary smirk from his expression, stepping into my flats and shutting the window so it was barely ajar.

"I told you, the less you know the better. I'm not making Central City's hero an accomplice." I grabbed my phone off the bed and held it up for his view. "I'll call if I need you." I slipped past him and through the doorway, heading towards the front door. "Come on, I can't leave you here," I sighed, fishing my keys out of my jacket pocket.

That static sounded in my ears and my hair whipped around a moment before I walked into Barry, his arm was already around my back and his fingers tipped up my chin, giving me a short, apologetic kiss before resting his forehead on mine. "Stay safe," he pleaded softly, the strips zapping my fingers as I went to hold him. But I had barely touched his neck in an attempt to keep him there before he was gone. With a sigh, I parted ways with Joshua and locked up Selina's apartnent.

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