Back on Solid Ground

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Andy's sai

I loaded myself up on black tea the next morning, hoping to hell the caffine would be enough to get me through today. I was mentally heavy, it was one thing to kill a person I was halucinating was Barry, it was another thing to stab Barry himself. Granted, what I had done didn't look to be fatal, I felt like it may as well have been. I seriously doubted he would still be willing to welcome me home after this. I wouldn't invite me back, either. I closed my eyes when I felt a drumming in my temple, opening them a second later and pausing when I was faced with Talia.

"Al Kahin, you look like you did no resting at all," she observed with a slight frown. "Are you feeling well?" Despite the obvious, I nodded.

"Sleep eluded me, but I'm just fine." With a look that told me she knew better, she nodded and turned on her heel, beckoning me along.

"If you're up for it, you can sleep on the plane." I frowned and quickened my pace, a bit more alert than before.


"Yes," Talia chuckled. "If you're in the mood for a journey, we're going to Central City."

I got some sleep on the ride, but not much. A large part of me was on hyperdrive because I was back home, not far from where Barry was supposed to be. All of me was majorly relieved when I was told we weren't coming for the Flash. Apperantly, Malcolm Merlyn never left, and since he had crossed the League somehow in Starling City, we were coming for him. I sat on a rooftop and watched the city turn to night, the flow of police vehicles doubling after the sun went down. From what I could see, there wasn't any blue light streaking through the city. I only hoped he managed to pull himself out of the gulch before our plane took off. "You know this place," Bane's voice rung out.

I turned my head a bit and nodded, pushing myself to my feet. "Al Sah-her was staying in that hotel" -- I pointed to a large building where I first met Merlyn -- "when we interacted."

"Any noteworthy activity?" Other than the obscene things people do in hotel rooms?

"No, no sight of our target." He nodded and looked over the building once more before taking steps away.

"Report in if you see anything." I gave one low nod, watching a moment as Bane turned his back and walked away before turning back to the hotel. I seriously doubted Merlyn would return here after four months, but it was all I had to go on. It was hard, fighting my instinctual drive to check on Barry, to see if he was possibly still crashing at the same spot. But everything in me screamed for me not to, my superiors were too close for me to venture there and call it safe.

After a few more hours of sitting here and finding nothing of interest, I reported to Talia and informed her I was going to scout the city instead. I half expected her to send someone to accompany me, but after about another hour of not being followed, I couldn't help myself from stopping in the warehouse district. From the building across, I could see there wasn't a padlock on the door, so I dropped down and slowly pushed the door open, the interior dark and empty. The timeline was right, he was bound to move again some time, so I carefully searched all the nooks and crannies, eventually coming up with a satalite phone. I sighed and tucked it into a safe spot, leaving the building and getting back on my normal patrol for Merlyn.

I dangled a leg over the edge of the rooftop and turned the small device over in my hand. No cell towers needed, just a good enough connection to a nearby satalite. It would be no problem to call him now, but I wouldn't. Two days might've been long enough for his leg to heal, but not his heart. I had stopped some ways across from the Central City Police Department, glad to see Barry making his way through with a slight hobble to his step. I couldn't see his face from here, but his body language radiated deeply rooted pain. I could clearly see his lab from here, so I waited until he walked over to the bay windows before leaving, not wanting him to spot me.

I made my way across several rooftops before I stopped at an abandoned church, making my way in silently through the bell tower. I stopped in a squat, perched on a beam, taking in Bane's back and Talia's hair before I realized I'd caught them at a personal moment. With a soft breath, I made myself comfortable, closing my eyes. After a full day and night of patrolling the city, my body was finally ready for sleep. "If you rest up there, Al Kahin, I'm afraid you'll fall," Talia's voice rung out, a touch of humor to it.

"I didn't want to interupt," I excused, opening my eyes with a slow breath. I carefully dropped myself to the floor and bowed my head at my superiors. "The only report I bring is that I don't believe Al Sah-her stayed where we once met." I made it apperant to them that Merlyn had been the one to guide me to Nanda Parbat, but they didn't seem to take much from it. By any means, it was better that they knew before hand and didn't find out along the course of our mission.

"Very well. Rest, you have a long night ahead of you," Talia excused. I bowed my head again and propped myself up against the wall of the tower, closing my eyes with my arms folded over my stomach. The main reason I was allowed this resting period is because we had a few other women of the guild with us, all following the same task I had been given: locate Al Sah-her and report back here. From then on was kept between Bane and Talia while the rest of us waited.

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