Mornings Suck

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A cold chill had settled on my skin, had been there for a while by the feel of it. "Andy." My eyes snapped open, forcing the sleep out of myself as I took in the space before me. My bare legs hung out of the small blanket, causing my chill, and Barry's hand hung over the bed, reaching for me as a hard frown pulled on his face. "Andy..." I pushed myself out of the chair and tumbled over my entanglement in the blanket, taking his hand before pushing myself upright.

"I'm here," I assured, leaning against his bed so I could use my other arm. I reached up and smoothed out his hair, pushing my fingers through his. "You're alright, Barry." His fingers didn't close any around mine but he visably eased. "Don't worry, I'm right here." After a while of running my fingers through his dark almost curls, his hair waving similar to mine, I fell asleep like that; proped up against his bed frame, using the matress as a pillow, my legs strewn but somehow completely covered on the floor, and my arms tangled around Barry on the matress as well.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but when I woke up again I had a crick in my neck. With a soft moan, I sat myself upright and rolled my neck, easing the tense pain before turning to Barry. He was considerably calmer than he was earlier, still looking to be asleep. I smoothed my thumb over his temple for a moment before standing.

I stretched hard enough for my vision to fade out, looking at the alarm clock as I waited for it to pass. 7:38. I looked back to Barry with a soft breath, kissing his forehead. "I'll be back, mátia mou." I quickly pulled on some pants, scanning around the room for the cash I'd left here, but after realizing I hadn't done any snooping, I grabbed his wallet and left, familiarizing myself with the streets before heading to Jitters. It was a longer walk than normal with his new location, but I found my way without an issue.

I didn't like how easy people found me in this town, but I guess bright orange hair was more noticable than other hair colors. I looked up as a hand slid on my elbow, meeting Iris' beautiful gaze. Hmm, guess seeing a familiar face felt a little good. "Hey, Andy. I haven't seen you in a while." I smiled and nodded, thinking up an excuse.

"Yeah, I had to take an extended vacation. Family emergency." That one got civilians out of a lot, the most polite slide you could manage. "Has Barry been doing alright?"

"Yeah, if there's something to take away from your absence, it's that I actually got to see him. I can only hope that he doesn't crawl back into his shell now that you're back." As long as Joe still tries to kill him if he made a move on you. I shrugged, not knowing all that much after being gone for five months. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" I looked her over a minute before giving a soft sigh, shaking my head.

"I had to watch someone I love wither away for most of this time. The recovery has been recent, so I don't know if that person is still there anymore." Her lips pulled into a sorry frown and she hugged me. Christ, what's with all the hugging?

"I hope everything turns out alright," she apologized gently, taking a step back.

"Thank you," I mumbled, looking over the baristas before turning back to Iris. "I see you here everytime I come, this your turf?" I chuckled.

"Uh, Centeral City Picture News is just right down the street," she informed with a light shrug. "I worked here before I got that job and I loved the atmosphere. I stop by for a little bit every morning before work." I nodded but looked up at my name. "It was good seeing you, Andy."

"Likewise," I replied with a smile and a nod, the actions feeling a bit robotic. I kept a pleasant air as I took the coffee tray and bag, waiting until I'd left the shop to let my shoulders sag. Too close for comfort. I didn't know why, she wasn't looking to quote me again. Guess I really need to get back into the swing of things.

I had thought about going to get my things, but if I had the coffee would be cold, and cold coffee that was meant to be hot just wasn't the same as iced coffee. I'd save that for another trip. When I got back to Barry's shack, the air was tense and I quickly saw why. He rushed out of his room at the sound of the door, his feet stuttering as he stopped a moment to take me and breakfast in. "You were still asleep when I left, you're supposed to be in bed." As if his sleepy brain needed the reminding he flinched and lifted his foot from the ground. I quickly set everything down and took his weight instead. "I didn't mean to frighten you, Bare."

"I know," he tensly breathed, clutching me to him in pain. With a soft sigh, I helped him back into his bed, kneeling in front of him once he was in one spot again. His bandages were relatively clean before I left, but from taking his weight even that short distance the once white bandages were more prominantly red.

"Once the bleeding stops I'll take a look at it," I explained, running my eyes over his ankle. "Are you alright, mátia mou?"

"Yeah, that was my bad," he sighed. "I just woke up and you were gone..." He trailed off but I nodded, not needing further confirmation.

"Are you hungry?" I loved the smile the words brought to his lips, even with his eyes closed. With a nod, he didn't open his eyes until after I stood, his hands curling around my waist as he pulled me closer. My hands came up to his hair as he rested his face in my stomach. "I meant food," I chuckled, feeling how he gingerly lifted the hem of the sweater.

"I've got all I need right here," Barry repeated, his thumbs brushing over my hips. I held the sides of his head and bent to his level, allowing him to kiss me a moment as I held him there.

"I'm serious, you didn't get all worked up for nothing. You're eating -- and I don't count," I added in when I could feel the ensuing playful banter. He chuckled to himself as I kissed his cheek and retrieved breakfast from his desk. After handing him the bag with the box of donuts, I set down the coffee and took a long drink of mine, sitting beside Barry with my head on his shoulder. Despite him being injured and the fact that I just got back from an overly extended vacation, it felt like we were us again, back in our own groove. Don't know how true it actually was, but it sure as hell felt like it.

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