Heart of Gold, Cold as Snow

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I went over things on Snart's desk for a while before the door opened and two pairs of footsteps walked in behind me. I held still as I heard the cold gun fire up and the trigger was pulled only, instead of the blue flames, these were gold. The lamp had turned to solid gold and I raised a brow. What were they developing at S.T.A.R. Labs? "Touch another thing and I'll have to give you a pretty, new bracelet," a woman's voice called, making me turn to the other side.

"Actually," I hummed, meeting Leonard's eye, "I prefer cash."

"If all goes well, you'll have plenty of that," Snart sighed, raising his hand to the woman as I turned and studied her. I had heard Lenny was very protective of his sister, but I didn't imagine he'd be working with her.

"You must be Lisa," I greeted. "From what I heard, you weren't much more than a brat."

"Andy," Lisa replied. "From what I've heard, you're nothing more than a kiss ass." I shrugged and stepped forward, eyeing her gun.

"Maybe, but I've got friends in all the right places. All you've got is your big brother." Snart dropped his hand on my shoulder and put some space between us, giving me a pointed look.

"If you two can't get along, we'll make some adjustments to the team," he warned, his voice containing that constant, serious air.

"I've already gone over all your info, and you won't out your little sister. Moving on." I smirked when I felt Lisa's eyes boring into me but sat on one of the least cluttered tables. "Where do we start?"

I walked into Central City National Bank with a bored air, sitting in the lounge and digging through my purse. After hitting a small EMP that took out the main alarm, cameras, metal detectors, and silent alarms, I walked up to the front desk. "Me synchoreíte, kýrie," I started, not having spoken Greek in a long while. Forcing the broken English and accent, I continued. "My fiancé wired money to this bank," I struggled, the teller stepping in not long after.

"I'm sorry, miss, but there seems to be a problem with our systems; there's nothing we can do at the moment." I huffed and paused for a moment, allowing for mental translation.

"How I am going home?" I asked, anger jumbling the English further. "I need money to get on plane!"

"Miss, I need you to calm down. There's nothing--" One of the guns fired, sending the hostages and I scrambling to the floor, some screaming. I looked up and froze when I saw one of the guards had been turned into a solid gold mound. His carcass would be more than enough to pay a decent 50k at least. However, turning things to gold and selling them just wasn't as fun as robbing a bank. I get it.

Lenny worked on the guards and the vault while Lisa stood over the hostages, looking over us while she toyed with her gun. Honestly, I didn't want to be a hostage, especially since I became one last time. But, my role here would lead me to an easy out. With one go I disabled security and created a distraction, I just had to keep the hostages settled so no one got hurt. Lisa backed away a few steps to talk to Lenny, and some wise guy saw that as his oppertunity to attack.

As he started to rise, I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back to the floor. "Den pigaínoun. Stay here. Not safe."

"Someone has to stop them!" the man whisper yelled, struggling against my hold.

"Not at cost of your life," I assured, my words clipped with anxiety. "Stay!" After a short moment of seeing the insistance in my eyes, the man stopped his fidgeting and laid still.

"No talking," Lisa informed as she moved around us, creating a distance between me and the man with a wave of her gun. At this point, Leonard had already frozen the main vault door and was collecting the money. I looked around and found the rest of security with their hands in front of them, their fingers an unusual red as frost froze them in place. I hadn't finished looking as Lisa came back, my morality splitting in two as she pushed me back to the ground.

Bank heists had stepped up their game in my absence, usually nothing more than scaring them to death was needed. When Lenny came back out holding two duffles, Lisa motioned us to stand, most of us slowly cooperating. "Now, everyone does as their told and no one gets hurt," he spoke, her eyes drifting to the man that had wanted to do something.

When Lenny joined us, they each took hold of a hostages arm, human shield in one, gun and bag in the other. At least, that was the plan; my anxiety spiked when Leonard's gloved hand slipped around my upper arm. It was part of the plan to play on my natural-ish fear, to be part of the hostage wave as it dispersed, but I could hear gunshots in the back of my head, despite the fact that no actual gun had been fired.

Leonard Snart was OCD, he planned things out to the tee. We had barely approached the door before red and blue lights filled the windowed spaces. I could hear the megaphone of a negotiator but I couldn't process the words, my body on autopilot as it followed Snart's silent commands. From the corner of my eye, I could see Lisa eyeing me closely before the hostages slowly walked outside of the bank.

The police had set up a simple barrier surrounding the entrance of the bank, Lenny's hand pulling me down as he slipped the duffle over his shoulder. I didn't realize Lisa had copied his actions until the hostages were screaming and scrambling away and they both began firing at the cops. It was a good thing my escape route was to flee with the civilians. My body was acting on instinct now and I wouldn't have been able to fight the Flight response otherwise.

Lenny and Lisa were fleeing on motorcycles they had often used in their jobs. I kept running long after the sirens fell silent and were drawn away, wishing I could run as fast as Barry if only to get me far from here. My job had been up to par so my cut would be returned after things had settled, and I was glad. I didn't want to face either of the Snart siblings again unless absolutely necessary.

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