Coming up (pt1)

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It was a rainy day in New York, Susan went to work and afterward, she decided to give her kids a call and invite them at her place, she was sure, she wanted to do this. She never was afraid to speak up, even if it was out on the press or at her family, she had no doubts about it...

She was sitting next to the fireplace when Jack and Miles rang the doorbell, they both were living in Manhattan so they were close to her. 

When they got in, they all greeted each other with a hug. Susan asked them about their day, asked Miles how the shows are going and Jack if he's writing something new. Eva couldn't come, she had to stay with the kids so Susan thought that it would be better to tell her at Christmas when they would gather all together at Eva's house. 

Jack went straight to the kitchen, looking for something to eat as Miles sat on the couch petting Penny. Susan walked and sat right across him and asked Jack to join them. 

Jack: So what's the big thing you wanna tell us?

Miles: Is something wrong?

"No of course not. Everything is fine" 

Miles: So what's going on? 

"Alright... " she sighs and continues "So... I've been dating someone for months now" 

Jack: That's it? 

"Wait Jack... I'm in love, first time ever I found someone who sees through me, who understands me those times when even I can't understand myself" 

Miles: Mom... you don't have to do this, we're not kids, you could ask him to join us or go out somewhere. 

"Yes, I could do that but let me finish"

Jack: Alright... go on. 

"It's not a he... it's a woman... it's Jessica" 

Miles: ... Jessica? 

"Jessica Lange. I'm with Jessica Lange" 

Jack: Wow... 

Miles: Cool 


Miles: I said cool

"What does that mean?" 

Miles: It means that I'm okay with this, I don't know about Jack but if you love her and she loves you back I guess everything's cool. 

"Well, I do love her... Jack?"

Jack: Oh, I'm okay with this too. I mean I like her and... yeah, I don't have anything else to say. 

"So that's it? You're okay with it?" 

Jack: Absolutely

"God..." she says with relief and throws herself back on the couch

"I didn't know that it would be so easy" 

Miles: So when are we gonna meet her?

"She's off town at the moment but I promise you as soon as she gets back you both are gonna meet her" 

Jack: What about Eva?

"She doesn't know yet and please don't say anything. I'll tell her myself" 

Jack: Okay. 

"And also we want to keep it private so it has to stay that way"

Miles: Mom, we're not kids and you didn't even had to do all this, you could call us. There's nothing wrong with you being with a woman! 

"Well maybe I wanted to see you too" 

Miles: Well... then. 

Jack: Alright, how about we order something and maybe we could watch a movie or something, what do you think?

Miles: Sure! 

Jack stands up and picks the phone 

Jack: Mom, what do you want?

"Wait a second, don't you wanna ask me anything about her? " 

Jack returns back to his seat 

Jack: Well, how long have you two been together?

"We've been together since we started shooting Feud"

Miles: You kept it a secret all this time?

"We had to, you both know what would happen if we came out in public" 

Jack: Yeah... 

Miles: Mom... do you really love her or you can't stand being lonely?

"Of course I do Miles, I don't know how to explain this but for years I thought that I would never feel that way for someone else that those feelings were gone but every time I look at her those feelings are getting stronger and stronger" 

Jack: Does she have kids?

"Yeah she does, three, two girls and a boy, Shura is Baryshnikov's daughter and the other two, Walker and Hannah are Shepard's kids." 

Jack: So she was married twice?

"No... no, she only got married once when she was younger and not with any of them, they had the kids but she didn't get married to them" 

Miles: Does she know that you told us?

"Of course, she already told it to Sam and probably to her kids too" 

Jack: She's with Sam now?


Miles: And you're cool with that?

"Why wouldn't I?" 

Miles: Alright... 

Jack: Is it serious? Are you gonna live together?

"Oh, no, I don't think so but she lives a couple of blocks away so we are together almost every day" 

Miles: That's good, well, I don't got any other question just invite us so we could meet her in person... 

Jack: Isn't she the one who played in King Kong?

Susan chuckles "Yes, that's her" 

Jack: Nice... alright now what do you want to eat?

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