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This is not a new chapter it's just me talking about Jessica in last night's episode! First of all, I survived. I just finished watching it, I had to take an hour just to calm myself cause I'm not gonna lie I cried after seeing her. THAT WOMAN KILLED ME! She literally took my breath away! 

I've been a Jessica Lange fan since I was 13, now I am 20. The first movie I saw was Music Box and then I remember watching her on AHS and not in a million years I'd thought I'd see her again but... GOD! 

So, let's talk about the episode. From the minute the 'And Jessica Lange' appeared I screamed, my friend who by the way haven't watched one single episode, couldn't understand what that means to us. I mean, the show was different when Jessica was in, different in a good way and I've seen all the seasons. I expected to see her in more scenes but I'm not greedy, her outfits were amazing, I missed that hairdo! 

When Michael tried to kill her in her sleep all I wanted was to beat the shit out of him. Sarah did a GREAT job and boy she gave us so many beautiful shots, like the one with Moira and her mother, that was something, wasn't it? And then with Constance and all the red roses... 

ALSO! THE SCENE WITH HER DANCING, DRINKING, AND SMOKING! JESUS CHRIST! I COULD DIE FOR THAT WOMAN! The only thing missing was snorting cocaine and it would be like watching Fiona!

Honestly, if I had a grandson like Michael I would do the same, she passed away as she wanted and then we got to see her 4th child. FINALLY! Her eyes were so beautiful........ 😂😂😂 I could talk about how amazing and wonderful Jessica was for days but I'm not gonna do it. 

Overall I'm still shaking, I'm gonna watch it again and again and again. I'm sure we'll see her again and also Sarah really knows what we want... 

I forgot to talk about Tate and Violet. When I'm re-watching the first season I always skip the parts with them in, don't hate me but..... boring... Evan with that terrible wig and Violet crying over him. YOU ARE DEAD! YOU ARE DOOMED TO SPEND ALL ETERNITY INSIDE THAT HOUSE AND YOU CAN'T FORGIVE HIM? Okay, he raped your mother and he shot his classmates and yes, he killed the previous owners of the house but get over it already. 

The dialogue between Moira and Constance was hysterical, I would love to see more scenes with them but okay... 

Also, I couldn't understand why Viv didn't want to talk to Ben, I mean last time we saw them they were putting on a Christmas tree altogether but then yeah, I understood... 

Last but not least, Madison went into the Murder house and there was no connection between her, Charles and Nora?! Why?! 

That's all, I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I can't think straight right now. I'm just gonna watch the episode again. 😂

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