Susan's Bday party.

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WRITER'S NOTE: Hello there, how are you? So this part's a little rushed, and out of the plan but I saw the photos this morning and I just couldn't skip it. There are more to come and sorry for the rushed work. Hope you'll enjoy it tho! ❤

"What if I'll throw a theme party?"

"God, please don't!"

Susan laughed and got under the cover's next to Jessica who was trying to finish her book.

"That would be fun"

"Not really..."

"What if I invite a few friends over and cook something"

"You? You will cook?"

"Why not?"

"Honey, you can't cook"

"Come on I've cooked for you many times"


Susan took furiously the book from Jessica's hands "What the hell?" she said and turned to look at her

"I need your help"

Jessica took off her glasses "Boiling water to make pasta isn't cooking but the whole idea is good, you could order something and tell a few people to come over"

"Who should I invite?"

"Jesus, I don't know, your kids, your friends now gimme the book"

"Well, thanks for the help" Susan said sarcastically while passing over her book.

"Any time" Jessica put her glasses again and continued reading the book

"Yeah... I didn't mean it obviously"

"I know..."

"So, Clayton, Jack, Miles, I'll tell him to bring his girl and then Bryan, Molly... should I say the guys from work?"

"Sue... I've been reading this book for a month, I'll help you after I finish it"

"After's too late... You could tell your kids to come, I mean Shura would be already here with the girls but tell em"

Jessica wasn't even listening to what her lover was saying, and boy... she could talk for hours "Should I tell Ryan? Of course, I should... what about Kathy? I mean she's your friend do you want me to tell her to come too?"

"Jesus..." Jessica stood up and left the room

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere quite" she shouted...

By the time Jessica returned back to the bed she found Susan sleeping, Jess chuckled and crawled next to her, placing her arms around her waist.

"When should I do it?"

"God... Sue, sleep already, we'll talk about it tomorrow"

"Okay..." she said and pulled Jessica closer to her body "What are you gonna wear?"

"Chanel No5, of course..."

Susan laughed and they both fell asleep...


As the days were passing by Susan got more secretive about her party, she kept the details to herself and the only thing that she told Jessica was to be at another house she owned on the other side of the city along with her kids and grandkids who were already in town to visit their grandmother.

The party was starting at eight and it was already half past seven when Jessica got in the shower, she got dressed, put on makeup, her heels and left her apartment. Shura was already waiting for her outside her door along with Hannah and the kids. While still in the car Shura who was driving turned to look at her kids who were talking with Hannah, making sure they wouldn't hear her...

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