"The way you look at her."

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Susan smirked and leaned forward to kiss Jessica's wet center when out of the blue she heard someone knocking on their door.

"Fuck!" Jessica whispered and threw her head back on the bed.

"Who is it?" Susan shouted.


"And Jack! I'm here too you moron"

"And Jack!"



Jessica opened her eyes slowly, reaching for Susan but all she found was an empty spot next to her. She checked the time and then looked out of the window while hearing Susan talking with her mother.

"Good morning, Jess," Susan said when she saw her lover walking into the kitchen. She was having coffee with her mother. Leonora turned to look at her.

"Good morning," said Jessica with a huge smile on her face.


"Oh, yes. Thanks"

Susan stood up and took a cap, filling it for her.

"Did you sleep alright? I told Susan to sleep with me last night but she didn't want to. I wanted for you to be as much comfortable as possible"

"Oh, I slept just fine! I don't mind sharing a bed with your daughter, I didn't even hear her waking up"

"Still... you're my guest here, Susan, tonight you'll sleep with me"

"The kids are coming tonight, mom..."

"And where are you two sleeping?"

"We'll book a room, don't worry about it"

"You want me to make you something to eat?" Leonora was talking to Jessica.

"No, I'm alright, thank you, Leonora," Jessica said and took a seat next to her. Leonora patted her hand while smiling.

"Make yourself at home"

"Thank you"

"Are you married, Jessica?"



Jessica laughed "It's okay... no, I'm not. I was married and then we got a divorce, after that, I had my first kid and then I met the father of my other two kids with whom I got engaged but he's no longer with us"

"Oh, I'm sorry... When Susan's father died I knew I had to be strong for my kids, where you two together when he passed away?"

Jessica looked at Susan, she took a moment before answering "No, we split in 2009"

"But you must miss him... no matter what, he's your kids' father"

"I do miss him..." 

"Well, it's hard for the ones who stay behind, isn't that right?"

"Can we talk about something else?"

"If you'll excuse me, I've got to make a call," Jessica said and left the room, leaving Susan behind, wondering if everything she was alright.

"When are the kids coming?" Leonora asked but no answer came from her daughter whose eyes were glued on her mug. "Susan!" her mother shouted, ''waking'' her up.

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