Missed you.

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"Hey mom, I'm in town, I've got some things to take care of and then I thought I'll come by, are you home?" 

"Of course Eva, I'm gonna take a shower, you got my keys?" 

"Yes, I do...  if you're not answering I'll get in with the keys." 

"Alright, I'll be waiting " 

"I'll be there in an hour" 

"Bye baby," Susan said and threw her phone on the table, she placed the book she was reading next to her and stood up to drink some water while admiring the wonderful view from her window. 

She was headed into her bathroom when she heard someone knocking the door. <That was fast> she thought, expecting to see Eva but when she opened she saw Jessica, smiling. 

"Jess!" she said and Jessica immediately fell into her arms. "Come in, I wasn't expecting you so soon" 

"I know honey but  I... I had to see you," she said and turned around to face the other woman.

Susan walked to her side and hugged her one more time "God, Jess, I've missed you so much" 

"I missed you too" She replied and looked at Susan's big eyes, she wasted no more time and kissed the other woman softly on her lips, their kiss lasted a couple of minutes until Susan broke it and stroked Jessica's cheeks, the younger woman smiled.

"So how's Sam?" 

"He's not so good, Sue."  she said and fell into the couch.

"... I'm sorry... do you want something to drink?" 

"Not at the moment" 

"So when did you arrive?" 

"It must be an hour or two, I went home, left the bags and came straight away" 

"You must be exhausted" 

"Oh, is it that obvious?"  she said and chuckled.

"Come on, you look great baby" 

"Thank you, now you tell me, did you talk to Eva yet?"

"No, not yet, but she's coming over in an hour, I'll tell her then" 

"Well, then I should leave..." 

"No, Jess, stay... we got an hour. Did you tell it to Shura?"

"I did... "


"Well, you know... at first she was shocked but now I think she's okay. " 

"It's getting serious Lange, isn't it?"

Jessica laughed "I suppose it does" 

"Alright now we have to arrange the wedding" Susan continued making Jessica laugh even harder

"Yeah... " 

"I love seeing you laugh like that" 

"You must've really missed me, you are so nice to me" 

"That's offensive, I'm always nice to you" 

"Come here," she said and Susan placed her head on her lap. Jessica was stroking her hair.

"You know, I post something on Twitter and apparently a lot of people wants us to be a couple"

"Jesus, what did you post?" 

"Nothing important, I just said that the first question I get is whether you and I got along during filming and I said that we did not only got along but we are now dating" 

Jessica chuckled "And they believed it?" 

"Of course they did, imagine what would happen if I post a photo of us sitting like that on Instagram" 

"What's Instagram?" 

Susan started laughing "Nevermind" 

"Come on, I want to know!" 

"Aren't you curious at all to see what they're saying about you on the internet?" 

"What are they saying?" 

"I don't know exactly but they really love you"

"Well, Ryan once showed me something, it was hilarious but I don't think I want to do this, suddenly I'll have a bunch of new responsibilities, post this, answer that! I'm good the way I am, hell, I lived for so long without even having internet..."

"But baby, that was before, the world is evolving" 

"But not me... well, what about you? You're always on your phone, taking photos, posting stuff..." 

"Oh, it's not me who's posting" 

"And who is it?" 

"Penny of course" 

Jessica laughed and threw her head back, showing off her beautiful neck. Susan lifted herself as a response and kissed her neck while Jessica kept her head back, she was longing for what would happen next.

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