The Emmys(1)

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*September 16, 2017. One day before the Emmys* 

Susan was in Los Angeles for the big day, she decided to take a walk, she left her dogs back in New York so her walks were now lasting 5 to 10 minutes and then back to the hotel where she was staying. 

Jessica was nowhere to be seen and something deep inside of her was afraid that she might not come. As much as she wanted to call her she wasn't doing it, last time they talked it was a fight. Susan suggested that they should go together but Jessica didn't want to... she kept thinking and thinking about calling her, she even made a speech but she was putting her ego first. 

Jessica, on the other hand, was better than ever. She decided not to call her, been staying at the same hotel as her but she wanted to play with her, she knew that is was a mean thing to do but she needed to see if she can still have the upper hand in this relationship. Jessica wanted for the next day to be perfect, something inside of her was sure that she's gonna win, especially after all the hard work she did and the same was thinking Susan about herself, <<this award will re-energize me>> 

When Susan got back from her walk she decided that she can't take this silence anymore. She needed some explanations for her behavior. She was about to start yelling but when Jessica answered she couldn't even say a word


"Um... Jess, where the fuck are you?" 

"I'm in LA" 

"Well, what a coincidence, me too!" 

"Oh then we should go for a drink someday" 

"Are you kidding me? What are you doing?" 

"I'm resting... " 

"No! I mean... look, is this the end?" 

"Are you angry?" 

"Of course I am angry!" 

"Well, that's good... you're so adorable when you're angry" 

"Just tell me where you are, I'm coming over" 

"Oh, I'm afraid you can't do that" 

"And why?" 

"Because... we'll see each other tomorrow" 

"Yeah, well, tomorrow I'm not gonna be able to tell you all the things I want to" 

"Oh... that's bad" 

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you playing with me?" 

"Oh, baby... I've got to go now. I'll see you tomorrow" she said and hanged up

Susan threw her phone on the bed and fell in the armchair behind her. "Fuck!" 
<<She's playing with me>> she was thinking and of course, she was right. <<So what am I gonna do? Let her continue this?>> ... << No... she's gonna regret it>> 

*17th of September* 
The big day finally arrived. Susan got up pretty early in the morning. Now that she knew what Jessica was up to she decided to enjoy it. She was on her phone, taking selfies, one of the many she took she decided to send it to Jessica. 

*Good luck today* 

*Good luck to you as well, honey* 

<<God, she's so beautiful>> Jessica thought. She was still on the bed, trying to convince herself to stand up and start getting ready. She hated these events and more she hated getting ready to attend them but she had to. 

Around 13:00 both of them started to get ready, Jessica left earlier, careful not to fall into Susan. Makeup, hair, dress, everything had to be perfect.  

Susan arrived sooner that her lover, she went alone, answered a few questions, talked to some friends she saw but something was missing. She couldn't wait to see Jessica. After almost 2 months she would see her, touch her, talk to her in person. 

Susan was on the red carpet, it was wild, everyone was taking photos of her when one of the photographers called Jessica's name. Suddenly time froze, Susan could hear her heart beating fast. 


Susan turned to see her woman. She was breathtaking, the most beautiful woman in the room, and she was hers. Jessica walked to her side with a smirk on her face, they didn't talk, what could they possibly say? Susan was fighting with herself not to kiss her right there. God knew how bad she needed her. 

Susan reached for her hand but Jessica held her from behind and so did Susan. Out of the blue, Jessica felt Susan's hand sneakily touching her butt and she chuckled. 

As they were walking towards the theatre Susan approached her. 

"How are you?" 

"I've been informed that we are not sitting next to each other" 

Susan immediately remembered her own plan "Oh, yeah. I know but that's fine by me" 

"So you do, huh?" 

"Yeah... so I guess we'll talk at the party" 

"Are you going alone?" 

"No, I've got a date," she said and walked faster, leaving Jessica behind. She fell into her own trap and Susan was now enjoying it. 

The whole ceremony was a torture for Jessica. She couldn't wait to end and their category was one of the finals, she needed a cigarette but the commercials weren't lasting that long.

Susan couldn't keep her eyes off of her. People were talking to her but Jessica was the person that mattered to her in that room. 

During the commercials Jessica stood up and walked to Susan's side, she leaned and whispered in her ear. "I like your dress, honey. It's so tight, I like it tight, " she said and walked to the toilet. 

Susan smiled, now it was her turn to take action. Jessica returned back to her seat and finally, it was their category. Sarah was on stage, Jessica looked at Susan and smiled, her way of saying good luck. 

"And the Emmy goes to... Nicole Kidman, Big Little Lies" 

Jessica smiled and clapped. She looked over at Susan's side and noticed that she was angry. 

When the ceremony was over she congratulated Nicole and went to find Susan. 

"Don't let this bring you down" 

"Bring me down?" Susan chuckled "Nothing's bringing me down" she leaned closer to her lover's ear and whispered "And by the way, I love your dress too, hope it's not too expensive cause I'm gonna rip it off tonight" 

Jessica tried to hold her laughter. 

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