"I need you."

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WRITER'S NOTE: Big thanks to  @Jessicalangefan for the idea. About this chapter: Many of you already saw that Jessica was spotted filming outside the murder house a few days back so that's when this happened... enjoy❤

With Jessica in Los Angeles and Susan off to England for a new project, their relationship was only long talks on the phone, better than nothing but still not enough for them who missed being together. Both would give anything just to see each other for an hour but the day where they would finally meet was just around the corner.

Jessica couldn't stand another day in L.A. but she had company there, unlike Susan who was alone, her only company was Penny and the time difference was making things even harder for both women. Jessica didn't know what time to call and so Susan was the one calling her, she knew that Jessica wasn't sleeping much.

It was 21:30 when Susan got into her hotel room, she took a shower and sat on the bed, scrolling down Twitter's feed when she saw Jessica's name trending on Twitter. She chuckled at herself and she was sure why she was trending. Susan double checked the time, it was 23:00 <<so that means it's 15:00 in L.A.>> she thought and called Jessica. Her lips parted in a beautiful smile when she heard Jessica's voice.


"How are you?"

"I'm good, what time is it there?"

"It's eleven"

"Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. You're trending on Twitter, Jess" she said and heard Jessica's soft laugh, she continued: "Trending means..." but Jessica cut her short "I know what it means"

"You do?" Susan chuckled.

"Well, I had to ask Ryan but I do know now."

"Everyone's talking about you"

"I guess they liked the episode"

"I guess they did, I'll ask Jack if he saw it"

"Oh, God..."

"Okay, that's all I wanted to say, I'm going to bed"



"I'm so glad you called, I missed you" Jessica whispered making sure Ryan wouldn't hear her

"I missed you too... I'll send you in the morning"

"I'll be waiting"


Jessica hanged up and walked back to Ryan, they were sitting in his office, talking about the episode until they started talking about their lives, Jessica was sitting back on her chair, listening to Ryan talking about his kids, she would laugh occasionally, pretending she was paying attention to him when actually all she could think of was Susan... She was lost in her own world and Ryan made it easier for her when he grabbed his phone.

Jessica shook her head and reached for her cigarettes, she was looking at him "Just put this god damn thing to the side"

"I can't, the whole cast is tweeting about the episode"

"Why would you do that?"

"Interacting with the fans..."

"Oh... I see"

"I told you, you're gonna be trending on Twitter and it happened faster as I thought!"

"I know" she chuckled

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