Close Call

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"I'm okay, alright? Don't worry, babe. I love you so much." Kelly said, holding Stella close as they both tried to comfort each other after a very hard shift.

"You could've died today, Kel." She said, on the verge of tears. "I don't ever want to live without you. I don't think I can live without you."

"I can't live without you, either. I love you."

"I love you, too." She said, finally allowing tears to flow down her cheeks as she looked at the new burn on Kelly's face.

"I'm okay, don't cry, baby." Kelly said, wiping her tears away and kissing the top of her head.

8 hours earlier

"Severide, get out of there! Now!" Chief Boden yelled into his radio, noticing his Squad Lieutenant was the only one not outside of the burning building.

"Chief, I can't get out!" Kelly replied, gasping for breath.

"Are you wearing your mask?" Stella screamed into the radio, having heard her boyfriend gasping for air.

"Tank's empty! Stuck in basement! Stairs are gone!" He coughed.

"Hang tight, Sev!" Casey yelled.

"Kelly, we can't get inside the building. I'm turning on the water canons in 10 seconds, find shelter!" Boden yelled.

"You're going to boil him alive!" Cruz yelled at his chief.

"No other choice, guys." Severide said into his radio before coughing heavily.

And ten seconds later, the water began shooting out of the hoses, onto the roaring flames. The second Chief gave the all-clear, Casey and Stella hurried into the building, placing a ladder into the basement window and sliding down to find Kelly.

"Severide!" "Kelly!" They called, searching the debris for their buddy.

Suddenly they heard coughing and saw a figure beginning to move on the ground.

"Kelly!" Stella yelled, running to him and helping him up. "Are you okay?"

"I think so." He said, coughing hard and bringing himself back to his knees.

"Casey, help me get him up the ladder." Stella said as they carried Kelly back to their ladder. Once they got him up the ladder, Gabby and Sylvie got him an oxygen mask.

"You need to get to Med, you've got some smoke inhalation and first degree burns on your face." Gabby told him.

"Stella..." He said, wanting nothing more than his girlfriend to be with him. Stella heard him and ran towards him, hugging him tight.

"I'm going with him." She declared, Chief nodding.

"You two can get the rest of the shift off. Text me updates." He said, knowing there were only 5 hours of shift left anyhow.

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