Thunder Storm

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"I cannot wait to fully heal so I can play with our kids again. And you." Stella told Kelly that night as they laid in bed.

"I can't wait for that." Kelly said with raised eyebrows. "Actually, I'm more excited for you being able to help me out getting the kids ready for bed. Buck put toothpaste in his hair and I had to give him a second bath. Liv made me read her 3 books and Mason 'just wasn't tired.' This is hard, I'm exhausted."

"Well, now you can cuddle with me and go to sleep. The kids are in bed and we survived the day." She sighed, leaning her head on his chest.

"As tired as I am, I kinda wanna watch a movie. You down for watching Remember the Titans?"

"Yeah, sure."

Fifteen minutes into the movie, Kelly was fast asleep. Stella continued watching the movie, making it almost until the credits rolled.

Just as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard little footsteps enter the room. She turned her head and saw both Caleb and Olivia.

"What're you two doing?" Stella asked quietly.

"It's storming and we're scared." Olivia answered as thunder rolled once again.

"Alright, you guys can sleep with us just this once. Come on." She said, smiling as they crawled in between her and Kelly and snuggled close together.

After a few minutes, Mason walked in.

"Are you scared too, buddy?" Stella asked him.

"No, I just came to make sure you and Dad weren't scared." He said nervously. Lightning struck and thunder rolled loudly, sending the young boy right into bed with the rest of his family.

"Not scared, huh?" Stella chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"Maybe just a little." He admitted.

"Alright, kids, just be careful with Mommy's leg tonight, Okay? I love you." Stella said, settling in with three kids between her and her husband.

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