Magic Mike

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The next morning, Kelly and Stella were woken up by Olivia jumping onto their bed excitedly and chattering away.

"Hey, slow down, baby girl." Stella told her, not able to catch a word she was saying as she was talking too fast.

"Start over." Kelly said, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

"I got $3 from the Tooth Fairy! A dollar for each tooth and an extra dollar for how I lost them! She left a note beside the money! And I heard that, at the birthday party last night, there was a fire in Alyssa's kitchen!" She giggled.

"Sweetie, fires aren't funny." Stella said firmly.

"It's kinda funny." Kelly muttered, earning a smack in the chest from his wife.

"I mean, if the entire house burned down, it wouldn't be. But it was just the kitchen, and nobody died, so it's sorta funny." Olivia explained. "Also it's Sunday!"

"What's so important about today?" Kelly asked, not able to keep up with his little girl's excitement at 6:30 in the morning.

"It's Sunday! We're going to the lake with Matt and Gabby and Josh and Sofia and Sylvie and Antonio and Spencer and Liz!"

Stella and Kelly looked at each other with wide eyes, their daughter noticing it immediately. "You guys forgot, didn't you?"

"We might've." Stella said, grabbing her phone to check in with the others.

"No, no, we definitely did." Kelly laughed as Mason and Caleb joined the family, jumping onto the bed.

"Look, Mason! I got three dollars! A dollar for each tooth and one for having to be punched in the mouth! I'm not even mad anymore!" Olivia told her big brother.

"Cool! Want me to take another one out?" Mason asked.

"No! No more pulling each other's teeth! And no more punching." Kelly intervened before looking at his wife, who was still on the phone texting Sylvie and Gabby. "Hey, worry less about your phone and more about future Magic Mike over there." He said, pointing to Caleb, who was hanging off of the bed post.

"Hey, Channing Tatum, get off the pole." Stella told Caleb, the entire family laughing.

"Caleb's gonna be a stripper!" Mason laughed.

"You aren't supposed to know what a stripper is, Mister." Stella told her oldest, giving him the look.

"Ah haha! I a stripper, Mommy!" Caleb laughed.

"And now Caleb knows that word." Kelly sighed.

"Alright then, let's just go to the lake." Stella chuckled.

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