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Mason drove around aimlessly all day until he had to pick up Liv and Caleb from school. He was dreading telling them things weren't fixed like he promised, yet. He was sure he could get through to Kelly somehow.

When the two got in the car, Caleb began rambling on about his field trip.

"Sounds like you had fun, huh?" Mason asked him, glad to see his brother happy.

"Yep! And it's even better because Mom and Dad are fixed now like you promised. It's been a good day."

Oh no. Masons heart skipped a beat and Liv saw it in his face that he had bad news.

"Well, Uh, about that... guys I'm sorry. They aren't fixed, yet."

"What? What's happened?" Liv asked.

"I'm not going to bore you with details, but they aren't ready to talk yet." Mason said, not wanting to ruin Kelly's image in his siblings' eyes by explaining how he acted that day.

"It's okay, I guess. We'll be okay." Caleb said hopefully from the backseat, even though he didn't even believe himself.

Mason began to drive home and Liv scoffed.

"What?" He asked his sister, seeing her look at her phone.

"Both parents leave last night and neither has texted to ask if we were okay or if the other parent came home. They both assumed the other would be back later with us. It's disgusting. How can you do this to your kids? I love Mom and I love Dad but they act so stupid sometimes it makes me wanna scream!"

Mason took a deep breath. "I know, it sucks. But it's not like they're purposely abandoning us, just miscommunication on their part. Besides, it's not like we're babies, we can be on our own a few days."

"I don't like it." Caleb spoke up.

"None of us do." Liv sighed.

After a few minutes, Mason grinned. "What's today?"

"Friday." Caleb answered.

"Well, I know a way to get at least one parent home."


"Throw a huge party. Tonight. That way, the cops will be called, or at the very least a neighbor will call Mom or Dad. If the cops are called, typically all that happens is the party-throwers are taken in to the police station and a parent picks them up."

"How do you know that?" Liv asked, her eyebrows raised.

"I've been around, Livvy-Lou." He grinned. "Start texting people and get the word out."

"I don't like this plan." Caleb shook his head.

"Yeah, it's not the best, but at least we get to party." Mason shrugged.

"No, Caleb is not partying! Buck, you are staying locked in your room all night." Liv commanded.

"I'm not a baby! I'm 11!" Caleb fought back.

"No. Besides, Liz isn't partying either so she's staying locked up with you."

"You'd rather he stay locked in his bedroom with a girl than party?" Mason smirked.

"Gross, Mase! Liz and I are best friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend."

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