Return Of The Parents

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"Mason! Liv! Are you two serious?" Kelly yelled as he walked into the house with Jay following. After he was filled in on everything, he was pissed at his kids for partying, and especially for involving alcohol.

"Oh don't come back here with that high and mighty attitude." Mason spat coldly at his father, sipping half of a vodka shot that was on the counter before Antonio snatched it.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"I'm so damn sick of your attitude, Mason! All you do is — "

"How would you even know what I do? You haven't been home in the last few days, we've been on our own all because you're depressed Grandpa Benny died and you took it out on Mom like an asshole and she left too."

"What did you say?"

"Adults always do this. They take their shit out on other people and it makes people around them suffer just as much."


"Nah, fuck you, I'm going to bed. Night cops." He said, saluting Antonio and Jay on his way out.

Antonio and Jay eventually made their way out and Liv carried Caleb upstairs to his room, leaving Kelly alone in the kitchen. He didn't know whether to be mad at Mason or himself, but he saw there was plenty of alcohol in the kitchen, so he began to drink.

Around 9 in the morning, Liv woke up to Caleb shaking her. "Hey buddy. What's wrong?" She asked him groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Dad's asleep on the kitchen floor with a beer bottle in his hand."

Liv sighed and shook her head before sitting up in bed and moving over. "Come sit with me."

Caleb climbed up and sat beside her. "I don't like our family right now."

"I know, Buck, me neither."

"Mom and Dad are fighting, Dad's drinking too much, Mason is getting too stressed about fixing everything and he got really drunk last night. I'm glad you're still strong."

Liv smiled and put her around around her little brother. "You're strong, too. And Mason, Mom, and Dad are doing their best. They just don't know how to handle the situations they're in."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Tell you what, why don't you go get dressed and we'll go out and grab breakfast together."

"You don't have a license though, we can't drive anywhere."

"I have a learners permit. As long as I don't get pulled over or wreck, nobody will know."

Caleb shrugged. "Okay."

Soon the two youngest Severide kids were out the door and on their way to breakfast.

Less than an hour later, Stella got home and saw the house trashed and Kelly passed out on the kitchen floor. She was pissed and threw her bag on counter before yelling, "Kelly!"

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