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After picking up all the kids from practice, Kelly drove through Chick-fil-a and picked up dinner. As he drove back home, Olivia giggled.

"What's so funny back there?" Kelly asked, looking at his little girl in the rear view mirror.

"The smell of chicken almost masks the smell of three smelly kids."

Kelly laughed, shaking his head. "You're silly."

"I know."

"Hey, Dad, did I tell you I threw two touchdowns during our scrimmage today?" Mason piped up.

"Wow! Good job, QB!"

"Well, I hit two homeruns." Caleb challenged.

"T-ball doesn't count. You guys can't even catch a ball." Mason argued.

"Can too!"


"Hey! That's enough. You all did very good tonight and you all deserve a shower." Kelly said, pulling into the driveway.

"What if I don't want one?" Caleb asked.

"You're SOL, Buck."

"SOL? Does that mean Salt On Lemons?" Caleb asked.

"Uh, yep, Salt on Lemons." Kelly agreed, trying not to laugh as they went inside.

"Mommy! I'm Salt On Lemons!" Caleb announced as he ran inside to Stella.

"What?" Stella asked, having never been more confused by her child.

"Get it? SOL!"

"That means Shit Outta Luck." Mason informed him, earning a gentle yet firm hit in the head from Kelly.

"Haha! Shit outta luck!" Caleb laughed hysterically.

"Don't say that, Caleb, or you'll get a timeout." Stella threatened.

"I'd rather just have dinner." He said, going to the table with his siblings. After eating dinner, the older kids showered as Kelly gave Caleb a bath in the master bathroom.

"Dad! Can you bring me a towel please?" Mason called from his bathroom.

"Yeah, hang on!" Kelly called back as he finished drying off Caleb. "Alright, Buck, I'll be right back. Start brushing your teeth for me please."

Kelly grabbed a towel from the linen closet and gave it to his older son before returning to Caleb, who had a surprise for his dad.

"Caleb, what did you do!?" Kelly yelled, seeing his little boy smearing toothpaste all through his hair.

"I used toothpaste as hair gel!" He announced with a giggle as he gave himself a minty Mohawk.

"Okay, first of all, we do not put toothpaste in our hair. Second, you don't even use hair gel. Third, you're getting back in the tub and then you're going in timeout."

Caleb sighed. "I'm SOL."

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