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Stella sat on an airplane, waiting to get off at the New York City airport she'd just landed at. She turned her phone off of airplane mode and saw notifications begin popping up: missed calls from Jay, Antonio, Gabby, Matt, and Sylvie. Texts from all of them telling her to get home ASAP, that the kids threw a party and there was alcohol involved and lots of it.

She began to get off the airplane, dialing Kelly's number and listening to it go to voicemail, meaning his phone was either off or dead. But why would it be dead when he'd been home with the kids? And how did they throw a party with Kelly at home? Unless he wasn't at home. Oh no.

She sighed and ran a hand through her untamed hair as she found a less crowded place to make some calls. She stood outside of a nearly empty gate and was about to call Gabby when her phone rang, Jay's contact appearing.

"Jay, what's going on?" She answered, wanting answers.

"I should ask you the same thing." He said, tension in his voice. "Where the hell are you? Your kids have been all alone for the past two days and neither you or Kelly has checked in on them! And to get at least one of you back home, they threw a huge party and Mason, Spencer, and the Casey kids got drunk. And now, they're a mess because neither of you are coming!"

Stella was shocked and speechless for a moment. "I texted Kelly this morning and said I was taking a trip. I'm in New York, my plane just landed. I assumed he was with the kids because he was there when I left."

"Well, he's not here and neither are you." Jay sighed. "Kelly's not answering, I sent another patrol car to go find him. You gotta get back home, Stella. Mason is drunk off his ass and Liv and Caleb are freaked the hell out."

"I'm catching the next plane back to Chicago, I'm going to get back as soon as I can." She promised.

"You need to. I think Kelly just pulled into the driveway, I gotta go." Jay hung up and walked towards Kelly as he got out of his car.

"Where've you been? Why didn't you answer your phone?" Jay asked him.

"It's dead. What're you doing here? What's going on?"

"Oh, I'll tell you what's going on..."

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