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"Hey, got the party supplies?" Mason asked Spencer and Josh as they walked in with a keg of beer.

"Yep, Sophie and Liz are carrying in the rest." Josh answered as the girls walked in with bottles of liquor.

"Are you sure this is the best way to get your parents home?" Sophie asked Mason as she set the bottles down on the counter.

"No, but it's the only idea I have." He sighed.

"Talking is overrated or something?" Liz asked.

"No, talking works fine if your dad isn't Kelly Severide." Mason explained before pouring himself a shot of vodka and downing it.

All of the friends stood awkwardly for a moment before Spencer cleared his throat. "Alright, it's 8 now and people are going to be here in about an hour and a half. Liz, Caleb, you two have to stay in Caleb's room until one of us comes up to get you, understand?"

"I still think that sounds wrong..." Mason smirked.

"Okay, dude, seriously? They're basically cousins." Liv rolled her eyes.

Mason poured himself another shot, this one of whiskey, and swallowed it.

"Are you sure you should get drunk? I mean, if this works and your parents show up, you can't talk to them if you're drunk." Josh pointed out, pouring himself a shot.

"Well, they won't want to talk to me tonight anyway. But if they're both in the same room, something will click in their heads. At the very least they'll realize neither of them has been home with us." Mason shrugged before preparing a third shot, only to have Spencer snatch it.

"Bro, pace yourself, it's going to be a long night." He scolded before swallowing the drink himself.

Soon, the house was full of teenagers, Liz and Caleb were locked in Caleb's room watching movies, and most of the teenagers were drunk. With the music blasting in the middle of the night, it didn't take long for the neighbors to call the cops.

And it took an even shorter amount of time for the cops to show. Luckily for the Dawson, Casey, and Severide teens, Antonio and Jay were working overtime on patrol.

The pair cleared the house until just the 7 kids remained, Jay bringing Caleb and Liz downstairs from Caleb's room.

"Spencer, Liz, you two are in so much trouble." Antonio started with his kids.

"Cmon, Pops, you'as a kid once, huh? Take a shot, you'll feel better." Spencer slurred, laughing at who knows what.

"Where does your mother think you two are?" He asked them.

"Welllll—" Spencer started, only to be cut off.

"Not you, drunky. Sit down and shut up." He told his son, practically shoving him onto the couch. "Liz?"

"She knows we're here, but not what we're doing."

"Uncle Tonioioio, hahahaaa, don't tell my mom or dad. They think I'm 'irresponsible' but they're crraaazzzy." Josh told his uncle, putting his arm around his shoulders and hanging off of him.

"I already called your parents so sit the hell down and wait. Mason, Liv, Caleb, you too." Antonio said, pissed at his kids and nieces and nephews.

"Jay wouldn't tattle on us. Would you, Halstead?" Sophie asked him, a drink still in her hand.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Jay said sarcastically, taking the drink from her and dumping it down the kitchen sink.

"Hey, I wasn't done with that." She pouted.

"Believe me, yes you were." Jay told her, putting her onto the couch.

While they were waiting for the kids' parents, the four drunk teenagers sat side by side on the couch under Antonio's watch while Liv stood with Caleb and Liz beside Jay. She hadn't drank more than one drink all night and felt guilty for going along with Mason's plan. Had this really been the best option?

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