Squad Trip

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"Shift just started, why are you already lying in my bed?" Kelly asked Stella as he entered his office.

"I just have an upset stomach, don't worry. Besides, you don't want to cuddle with me?"

"I heard 'upset stomach' and now I'm not so sure." Kelly teased, crawling onto the cot beside her.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's nothing, don't worry."

"Pretty sure, huh?"

"Well, I mean, I'm like 4 days late, but I'm sure it's nothing."

"You think you might be pregnant?" Kelly asked, his eyes bulging.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I am, but I suppose it's possible. I mean, we haven't exactly been careful in the past months."

"Maybe it's something you want to check into? Like, soon?"

"Yeah, uh, probably. Part of me doesn't want to know, though."

"Well, we need to find out. If you are, and I'm not saying you are, but you should probably be careful because of heat exposure and all the stress and risks that come with the job. We could get you working at Arson Investigation or in the bullpen at the station maybe."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Why don't you get your Squad guys and take a ride to the drug store and pick up a test for me?"

"You want me to go buy it?"

"I can't tell Matt to make all the guys go to do that."

"But I can?"

"Just say you're going to pick up painkillers or something."

"Fine." Kelly sighed, getting up and telling his guys to load up. Once there, Kelly went inside and bought the first pregnancy test he saw, wanting desperately to get out of the feminine aisle. After enduring several strange looks from cashiers and other customers, he got back in the truck, tossing the bag at his feet.

Unbeknownst to him, the test was visible through the bag and Capp saw it. As Kelly sat silently, contemplating how different life would be if Stella was actually pregnant, he suddenly felt Capp's hand on his stomach.

"So, when are you due?" He asked, receiving a hard glare from his lieutenant.

"You never saw what was in this bag, got it? None of you. One word slips your guys' mouths and you're all cleaning bathrooms and doing nothing but drills for 2 months."

"You got it, Daddy." Capp said, getting slapped in the head by Cruz.

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