Calm, Cool, and Collected

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"How is he?" Stella asked, her and Gabby barging into the Med waiting room.

"We don't know anything yet." Boden said.

Suddenly, Stella's expression completely changed, from worried to shocked and pained.

"Stella? You okay?" Gabby asked, the first to notice.

"Uh, no, I think I'm in labor." She said, looking down at the now wet floor.


"Kelly is stable, he's resting right now. He has a moderate concussion, bruising on his pelvis and ribs, and some obvious soreness." Dr. Halstead said to the firehouse family in the waiting room. "Stella isn't here?"

"Oh she's here alright." Herrmann said, earning a confused look from the redhead.

"She's in labor. Gabby is with her." Sylvie explained.

"Oh damn. I'll see if I can get Kelly up there with her. Someone want to go tell him while I get permission to take him there?"

"I got it." Matt said, hurrying to his buddy's room. When Matt walked in, Kelly was asleep.

"Hey, Sev, wake up. Kelly, Stella's in labor. Mason is on his way." Matt said, gently shaking his friend.

"She's what!?" Kelly yelled, panicking.

"Will's working on trying to get you upstairs with her. How're you feeling?"

"Doesn't matter how I'm feeling. I need to be with Stella to ask her how she's doing." Kelly said as Will walked in with a wheelchair.

"Your chariot awaits." He said, pushing it beside the bed before helping Kelly into it.

"Good luck, Kel." Matt said as Will pushed him towards the elevator.

Once the arrived on the maternity floor, Kelly was very impatient.

"Halstead, walk faster. Come on. I could crawl faster." He whined.

"You need to calm down, Kelly. Stella doesn't need a panicky husband right now. She needs a steady, calm, cool, and collected hand to squeeze. Can you do that?" Will asked, stopping before entering the room.

Kelly took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

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