Don't Miss

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"Kelly! You guys have to leave now or Mason will be late to practice!" Stella yelled from her spot on the couch, where she laid with her leg propped up on a pillow.

"I'm trying here, Stell. Buck decided it'd be fun to hide his shoes in the dryer."

"Well, get them out and onto his feet. And I still hate that nickname, by the way."

"Why? It's cute."

"He's a child, not an animal with antlers." Stella retorted as Caleb and Kelly exited the laundry room.

"I like being called 'Buck!'" Caleb announced.

Stella sighed and shook her head. "Okay, buddy. Go get in the car for Daddy so you guys can go. Mason and Olivia are already waiting."

As Caleb ran to the car, Kelly kissed Stella goodbye.

"I'll bring dinner home." He promised.

"Okay. Oh, and don't forget, you have to help Liv put her shin guards and socks and cleats on. They're all in her bag. Mason needs help with his football pads too but his coach can help if you're short on time. Caleb's shoes are already on and-"

"I know, babe, calm down. Remember, I am the one who put his shoes on him just now. Trust me, I've got this handled."

"I know, I know. But you don't though because you have 10 minutes to get Mason onto the field. Drive fast and be careful." Stella said as Kelly realized she was right and hurried out the door.

As Kelly started the car and began driving, Caleb made an announcement. "I have to go pee!"

"You'll have to hold it, Buck. We just left and we are late."

"But, Daddy, I really have to go!"

Kelly sighed as he looked around the car at a red light. "Here, use this. And don't miss." He decided, passing back an old empty water bottle to his youngest.

"Are you serious, Dad? If he misses, it'll get on me!" Mason whined.

"Help him out then, I don't know what to tell you. If I stop, you'll be very late." Kelly said as the light turned green and he began driving again.

"This car has too many boys in it!" Olivia sighed, leaning her head against the window.

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