Expanding Family

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Five weeks later, Kelly had returned to work and Stella was still on maternity leave, taking care of Mason. Gabby had just given birth to her and Matt's first child, Joshua Matthew Casey, who was now a week old.

"Kelly, how long have you been up?" Stella yawned as she stood in the doorway of the nursery, watching him feed Mason his bottle.

"Just a half hour." Kelly said, setting the empty bottle aside and beginning to burp his son.

"You had shift yesterday, why don't you relax and take a day to go fishing with Matt and Chief? I already talked to Gabby about it, her and Josh will just come over here and hang with me and Mason."

"Seriously?" Kelly asked, shocked at the offer.

"Yes. You've been so good to me and to Mason in these last 5 weeks and you deserve this. Matt and Gabby are on their way over then you and him can go meet up with Boden."

"If I didn't have a baby in my arms right now, I would hug you so hard." Kelly said, cradling Mason gently in his arms.


"I hope the guys are having a good time. They both deserve this." Gabby said as she and Stella sat with their babies on the couch.

"They really do. Kelly has been amazing. I haven't gotten up once in the middle of the night, Kelly runs to him every time he cries." Stella said as she watched Mason reach his hand out to Josh.

"They really are good to their families. They're good guys."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I got it." Stella said, getting up and going to the door, seeing Sylvie standing there. "Hey Brett! Gabby and Josh are here, come on in."

Soon, the three were sitting on the couch as the babies were in swings a few feet away. "So, I need some guidance here." Sylvie said.

"Guidance?" Stella questioned.

"I'm, uh, I don't know how to say it... I'm, ugh! I'm pregnant!"

Gabby and Stella were shocked and speechless.

"How do we feel about this?" Gabby asked, wanting Sylvie's feelings first.

"It's good, right? I've been dating Antonio for a year and a half now. It's just unexpected. There's going to be another baby in this firehouse family." She said.

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