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Upstairs, Mason woke up to yelling, making his head pound more.

"...no, you're not doing this again! You don't get to leave your family a second time to drink!"

"I didn't fly to New York and leave my kids!"

"No you went to a bar and left your kids!"

Mason sighed and ran his hands through his hair, sitting up in bed and quickly grabbing his trashcan to throw up. This is ridiculous he thought, listening to the yelling. I gotta get out of here. I gotta go somewhere, maybe Matt and Gabby's.

He grabbed his car keys off his dresser and carried the trashcan with him, climbing out the window and down the gutter. As he got in his car, he noticed Kelly's car was gone: weird, but not worth investigating.

Mason started his car and began driving towards the Casey home, the trashcan in his lap as he threw up several times from the hangover.

As he neared the Casey's house, he got into the turning lane, needing to make a left turn onto their road. That was fine and dandy, until a truck came barreling into the turning lane, crashing into Mason head on.


"Thanks for breakfast." Caleb told Liv as they walked back to Kelly's car that they 'borrowed.'

"No problem, kiddo. Wanna go to Navy Pier?"



"What do you want, Kelly? What do you want to do about all of this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you staying or going? Pick one, but whatever you pick, you don't get to change your mind."

The pair were silent for a moment before Stella's phone began ringing. "Hello?...What? Oh my god!... Yes, we'll be right there...okay, thank you."

"What?" Kelly asked her, seeing her worry.

"Mason was in a car accident, he's at Med. I didn't even know he left the house!" She rambled as she grabbed her keys and purse and headed out the door, Kelly right behind her.

"Wait, what about Liv and Caleb?" Kelly paused as they were getting in the car.

"Go upstairs and get them!" Stella demanded, getting in and starting the car. Kelly returned a minute later and shook his head. "They're not here either!"

"Call Liv on the way then, get in!"

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