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"What are the results?" Kelly asked Stella for the fifth time in a minute.

"Kelly, it has been one minute. We have to wait five." She said again.

"I don't think it's humanly possible for me to wait that long." Kelly groaned as Matt walked into the bathroom.

"What are you guys doing in here?" He asked, stopping in his tracks as their faces went red.

"We're just, uh, I, uh, we just..." Stella stuttered before Matt put his hand up to stop.

"You guys keep doing what you're doing, I'm going to pee outside." He said, leaving the bathroom just as the bells went off.

"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, car accident, North Grant St."


"Everyone in the conference room, now." Boden said as they all walked back into the firehouse after the call.

Everyone followed his orders, confused as to what was going on. Once everyone was seated, Boden looked around and shook his head.

"There are many females in this firehouse, however, only three who use the bathroom down the hall. Of these three females, I would love to know which one left a pregnancy test on the sink before a call."

Stella's face went red as she raised her hand slowly. "That would be me, Chief."

As the room was silent, Boden shrugged. "Are you going to look at it or should I tell everyone the results?" He asked.

"I can't look, just tell us." Stella decided.

"It's positive."

"We're going to be parents." Kelly realized.

"Congratulations, Daddy." Capp said, making everyone laugh.

"You've called him 'Daddy' twice today and even I am uncomfortable at this point." Cruz shuddered.

Stella suddenly felt Kelly's arms around her. "We're going to be parents."

"Congratulations, you two. Now, please, don't leave any more pregnancy tests lying around my firehouse." Chief teased.

"At least now I know what you guys were doing in the bathroom earlier." Matt chuckled.

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