Fix Them

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After eating pizza, doing homework, and watching a movie, all while not mentioning the fact neither Stella or Kelly had returned home yet, Mason and Liv put Caleb to bed.

"We'll get you up in the morning and get you all ready for your field trip. Don't worry, Mom and Dad will work it out and everything will be just fine. Love you, Buckaroo." Mason assured his little brother, ruffling his hair.

"Love you too, Mase." He said as Mason left and Liv day down beside him.

"We will all be okay, I promise. Dad will be back later and Mom won't stay away too long." She told him, earning a smile from the boy before she turned out the light and left.

The oldest siblings shut Caleb's door and Liv turned to Mason.

"I've never seen them fight this bad before." She sighed worriedly.

"I know, but Benny's never died before either. Dad's not the best at going through hard personal things. He doesn't know how to grieve and Mom knows it, but at the same time, she can't sit around and let him go off on her. But eventually, Dad will realize he messed up, he'll get help, then he'll come back and apologize and then everything will be okay again."

"What if that doesn't happen?"

"It will."

"But what if-"

"Cut out the 'what if's. Things will work out because they have to. They just have to, okay? Go get some sleep, it's late and you have school tomorrow."

"You do too."

"No, I'm not going tomorrow. I'm going to fix everything and by the time you guys get home from school, things will all be back to normal." He promised.

"It's not your job to fix everything, you know that, right?"

"Course it is, I'm the big brother. I save the day and fart on your pillow."

Liv smiled and rolled her eyes. "I hate you."

"I know."

Once Liv went to bed, Mason texted Josh and Spencer, who snuck out of their bedroom windows to support their friend.

"So what's your plan? You said you're going to fix things, but how? Your dad is the most stubborn guy I've ever met." Spencer said once Mason filled them in.

"I'm going to find them and talk to them."

"Your mom is so not in the talking mood right now. She's with my mom right now drinking so much wine." Josh explained.

"Well, I love my parents but they can act like children sometimes and if I don't fix them, things won't change." Mason explained, checking the time and sighing when he saw it was 1 am and Kelly still wasn't home. At least Stella's whereabouts were known, while Kelly was probably off at a bar somewhere.

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