Mason Update

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"How's Mason?" Liv asked her parents, her and Caleb sitting down across from their parents

"Maggie is going to get us an update as soon as she can. She said it's not good." Stella sighed nervously.

"Oh man." Caleb sighed quietly, Liv putting an arm around him.

After a few moments of silence, Liv looked at her parents. "Where were you guys?"

Stella and Kelly looked at each other, both willing the other to go first.

"Well," Stella began, "Your father and I did not communicate properly and we both assumed the other was home with you kids. And we are so sorry that we both left you guys all on your own."

"Yeah, well, we figured that much out. I was asking where you were." Liv repeated. She wasn't playing around because honestly, she was still upset with her parents and the entire situation had her more on edge.

"I was not in a good place. And I spent most of my time either in bars or sleeping in my car." Kelly answered quietly while staring at the floor.

"And I flew to New York to get away but got a call from Jay last night as soon as I landed and came back home." Stella explained.

"Oh, I just didn't know that's what we did now when we have problems with each other. Caleb made me mad last week, I didn't know I should've taken a trip to Mexico to get over it." Liv replied sharply, yet keeping her cool.

"Hey, Liv, come on, that's not fair." Kelly tried.

"It's not? Because that sounds like the exact same thing to me."

"Okay, we screwed up big time. We know that, alright? But we're going to make changes and never let it happen again." Stella promised.

"What changes? I wanna hear them."

"For starters, I'm going to go to counseling and find a better way to handle things." Kelly explained.

"And I think the entire family needs some counseling after all of this, so actually, we're all going." Stella added. "And we're going to, as a family, work on better communication."

After a moment, Liv sighed and nodded. "Okay then."

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I just got an update on Mason." Maggie suddenly said, walking in.

"Really? How is he?" Stella asked immediately.

"His femur was broken in two places and his ankle was broken as well so his entire left leg will be in a cast. His forehead was slammed against the steering wheel and he's going to have about 17 stitches there." She began.

"Oh my god." Kelly muttered.

"Those are the more minor injuries. We believe he has a concussion, we just need to test to see how severe it is. One of his ribs is broken and when it broke, it punctured his lung. He's headed to surgery now to repair that. We're going to see, while he's already under the anesthesia, if they can fix up his leg as well."

The family was stunned and speechless.

"How-How long until he's out of surgery?" Kelly asked after a minute.

"They just took him up, I'm thinking at least a few hours. I'll get you as soon as I'm told another update."

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