Dangerous Call

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After a quick wedding, everyone headed into work, Stella and Gabby both working in the bullpen to be on the safe side.

"How does it feel to be 32 weeks along?" Stella asked her friend as they both sat at their desks.

"I'm so excited! How's it feel to be 38 weeks? You're so close!"

"I can't wait to meet Mason!" Stella exclaimed.

"I'm glad we decided to be surprised and not find out the gender, but Matt and I are going nuts! We want to know!"

"Squad 3, Ambo 61, Truck 81, Battalion 25, House Fire, 6229 Lake St."

"Time to worry." Gabby sighed. It was one thing when they went on calls with their husbands, but sitting by and not knowing whether or not they were okay on calls was terrifying.

"Actually, its time to pee." Stella said, waddling to the bathroom. "I won't miss being pregnant, I can guarantee you that much."

Meanwhile, the rest of 51 was at what would be a dangerous call for one of their own, only none of them knew it quite yet.

"Severide, get out, now." Chief radioed, seeing the smoke turning black and knowing his Lieutenant was, once again, the last one inside.

"I'm doing one final sweep upstairs, Chief." Kelly responded.

"No, get out of there now."

Before Kelly could even choose to obey or not, the building flashed, sending him flying through the second story window and out onto the hard ground.


"Stella, your phone's ringing." Gabby told her friend, who had once again gone to the restroom.

"Answer it for me, I have to pee!" She called back as she continued to the bathroom.

Gabby answered it and heard Chief Boden sounding frantic. "Stella?"

"Hey, Chief, it's Gabby. Stella's in the bathroom. What's up?"

"Kelly's being taken to Med. The building flashed and he was thrown from a second story window."

"Oh my god! Is he okay?"

"I don't know. Sylvie said he hit his head, but other than a concussion and some bruising, she thinks he'll be okay."

Then Stella reentered the room. "What's going on?"

"It's Kelly..."

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