All Was Right

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"Hey, Liv, what's going on?" Kelly asked his daughter, who was sitting at the desk in his office with her head down.

She sniffed and picked her head up, looking at her dad with tear-filled eyes. "Daddy, I don't want to go to school ever again."

Kelly sighed and shut his office door before picking up his six year old and setting her on his lap. "You want to tell me why?"

"Alyssa invited all the girls in our class to her birthday party except for me!" Olivia cried, burying her face in Kelly's shirt.

"People can be mean sometimes, sweetie. I guess it's a good thing you weren't invited, she doesn't sound like someone you'd want to be friends with."

"It's still not nice, Dad." She said. "Everyone will be having fun at Alyssa's Saturday night and I won't be!"

"Well, how about something better?" Kelly suggested, getting his daughter's attention.

"What?" She asked.

"How about you and me go on a Daddy-daughter date?"

"Really!?" Olivia asked, her eyes lighting up.

Kelly chuckled. "Yes, really, kiddo. Anything you want to do."

"Can we get dressed up all fancy and go to a really nice restaurant and see a movie after?"

"Yes we can." Kelly chuckled, loving to make his daughter happy.

"Great! Pick me up Saturday at 6." She said, standing up off his lap.

"It's a date."

Olivia winked at him before leaving his office, making him laugh. His daughter might've act like him at times, but she had 100% of the sass Stella did.

A moment later, Stella walked into Kelly's office. "Liv is over the moon excited about her date with daddy." She smiled.

"She told you?" Kelly asked with a smile.

"Yeah, She did. And everyone else in the firehouse. You're such a good dad to make her so happy after she was so upset. What was that about anyway?"

"Some girl in her class invited every other girl besides her to a birthday party Saturday."

"Well, as crappy as that is, it's good she's so happy now. And, I just checked, Mason is done with his homework and he and Cruz are playing basketball."

"Well, all is right in the world." Kelly said, pulling Stella close and kissing her. As they kissed, Caleb ran by, shouting, "Oh, fuck! I lost my left shoe!"

"It was nice while it lasted." Stella said as Kelly left and grabbed his youngest.

"Caleb, you are not allowed to say that word again for at least 10 years." Kelly scolded him.

"But Uncle Capp says it!"

"Well, Uncle Capp is an idiot. Don't be like him."

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