Neither Is Here

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"What the hell?" Gabby asked as her and Matt walked into the house.

"I thought my mom was with you two." Mason slurred when he saw them.

"No, she's not." Matt answered before turning to his kids. "Are you two serious?"

"As a heart attack, Daddio." Sophie grinned.

"I can't believe you two. You're both grounded." Gabby informed them. It looked like smoke could come out of her ears at any second.

"We will talk about this in the morning when everyone is sober. Let's go." Matt decided, grabbing Josh's keys so he could drive his son's car home while Gabby drove the kids.

After they left, Sylvie showed up. She took a look at her son and shook her head.

"What do you wanna do about this?" She asked Antonio, who shrugged.

"I don't know yet. I say we discuss it later when I get home."

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry for lying. On the bright side, only one of your kids is drunk." Liz tried, her parents unamused.

"Okay, lets go." Sylvie said, half-dragging Spencer out the door as he was too far gone to walk on his own volition.

Then all that were left were the Severide kids. They waited and waited, then waited some more. Caleb had fallen asleep at the kitchen table and Liv was starting to worry the plan wasn't going to work. As she began to pace the kitchen, Mason stood from the couch. Evidently he stood up too fast for his alcohol impaired body and nearly fell, Antonio catching him and standing him back up.

Antonio watched him carefully as he staggered into the kitchen and approached his sister. "They're not coming. They don't give a fuck."

"Don't say that, Mason." Liv warned.

"It's true." He shrugged as he reached for a bottle of whiskey. "Neither of them will show up. They both think the other is here but neither is here and none of them will come because they both think the other is here but neither is here."

He went to take a drink from the bottle only to have Jay stop him. He took the bottle away and looked into Mason's glassy eyes. "What is going on with you? You don't drink, at least not like a raging alcoholic."

"Who cares anymore? Nothing matters if we don't."

"I'm gonna need a little more than that. Liv?"

And Liv explained everything, to both Jay and Antonio.

"Well, that explains this whole night." Jay sighed.

"Yeah, well, they didn't all have to get drunk." Antonio said, eyeing Mason, who held unsteadily onto the counter.

"I know." Jay agreed. "I'm going to try calling Stella and Kelly again." He said, going outside to make the calls.

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