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"What's going on? Why is Kelly cooking breakfast?" Otis asked, the last one to wake up and join everyone in the common room.

"It's a 'surprise.'" Cruz said with a shrug.

"Okay, come and get it." Kelly said, leaving all the food behind the counter so people couldn't see.

"So, what are we having today?" Stella asked, stating her rehearsed line.

"Blue pancakes." Kelly said, trying not to smile.

"Why blue?" Stella asked.

"We're having a boy!" Kelly yelled, everyone completely shocked.

"Oh my god!" "Congratulations!" "I knew it!" "Oh no! Kelly Jr!" Everyone yelled.

"So, what's the little man's name?" Matt asked as everyone calmed down.

"Mason Kelly Severide." Stella announced.

"Aww! He's named after his daddy." Sylvie cooed, everyone joining in.

"Kelly wasn't sold on the idea at first, but I want my son to be named after the strongest, toughest, most handsome firefighter I know." Stella said, smiling adoringly at Kelly.

"No offense taken." Herrmann said sarcastically.

"Well, I can't wait to meet the baby firefighter." Otis said.

"Speaking of firefighters, we get to go nursery shopping after shift." Kelly reminded Stella with raised eyebrows.

"Oh stop. I get it, you won the bet." Stella groaned.

"What bet?" Capp asked.

"We bet on the gender and the winner got to pick the nursery theme. I wanted a girl with a Disney theme, but Kelly won so now Mason gets a firefighter themed nursery." Stella summarized.

"And let me just say, I have great ideas in mind." Kelly smirked. "Matt, your help is required."

"I'll be there, but I don't come cheap."

"What's your price?"

"A six-pack of beer and Blackhawks' tickets."

"I have to send Mason to college one day, Casey."

"Fine, I'll settle for beer and pizza."

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