Daddy-Daughter Date

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"Olivia, are you almost ready?" Kelly called to his daughter on Saturday night. He was dressed up and waiting in his daughter.

"She's ready!" Stella called back, having been helping her daughter.

Kelly watched as his little girl walked to the front door wearing a fancy dress, heels, a little makeup, and curled hair. "You look beautiful, baby girl." Kelly said.

"You clean up nice, Mister." She giggled. "Can we go now?"

"Of course." He said, opening the door for her.

That night, after eating at a fancy, and expensive, restaurant, Olivia and Kelly went to the movie theater to see the Incredibles 2.

"Daddy, my tooth is loose!" The six year old told her dad as they waited for the movie to start.

"Really?" Kelly asked her, watching the amazement in her eyes as she wiggled it.

"Yeah! I have to tell Mason and Mommy and Caleb when we get home!"

"Yeah, you will! I can't believe you're so grown up."

She started laughing when he said this, earning a confused look from Kelly. "Daddy, I'm only laughing because, if I'm getting old, you're getting even older!"

Kelly laughed at his daughter's remark. How could his little girl be so cute?


When the pair returned home, Stella and the boys were tossing a football in the driveway.

"Guys, guess what!?" Olivia shouted, jumping out of the car.

"What?" Stella and Mason asked.

"I have a loose tooth! It's really loose!" She said, showing them how it wiggled.

"Want me to take it out for you? The tooth fairy will give you money tonight if you do." Mason offered.

"Uh, I guess so." She said, wary of her brother's tricks.

"Come here then." He said, handing the football to his little brother and wiping his hands on his shirt, getting ready.

Before Kelly or Stella could step in to stop it, Mason wound up and punched Olivia in the mouth.

"Mason Kelly Severide! What the hell are you thinking!?" Kelly yelled as Stella tended to her crying daughter, the previously great night turning to chaos.

"I got the tooth out." Mason defended.

"That was the stupidest thing I think you've ever done! You apologize to your sister and then go straight to bed!"

Mason sighed and looked at Olivia. "Sorry, Liv. But now you lost two teeth so the tooth fairy will bring you double the money."

"You're a big meanie!"

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