Big Appointment

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"Today's the day! Wake up, Stella! It's your 18 week appointment!" Kelly practically yelled, turning off the alarm and jumping out of bed.

"Kelly, it's finding out the gender, not our child's actual birth." Stella said, finding it adorable how excited he was.

"But after today, we can plan the nursery, which will be firefighter themed."

"Actually, when we find out it's a girl and I win our little bet, we can begin to plan the Disney themed nursery."

"Hey, that's cute. Maybe our next baby will be a girl so you can actually do that." Kelly teased, earning a hit in the head with a pillow.

"What time is it?"


"Shit! Kelly, our appointment is in an hour!" Stella said, quickly getting up and beginning to get ready.

Soon, the couple was at the doctor's office, waiting for the doctor to say what the gender was.

"Well, I know the gender." She finally announced, looking at the screen.

"It's a boy, right?" Kelly asked with a smile.

"Tell him he's wrong." Stella laughed.

"Take a peek for yourself." She said, turning the screen towards them. "No mistaking that, it's a boy."

"Yes!" Kelly yelled, thrilled he was right.

"How were you right!?" Stella asked, shocked.

"I'm his dad, I know. Oh my god, we're having a son!" He said, kissing Stella as the doctor printed the ultrasound pictures.

As they drove back home, the pair was ecstatic.

"How are we going to tell everyone?" Stella wondered.

"I have an idea."



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