Short Bet

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"Kelly, the time's up, we have to look now." Stella said, looking at the clock.

"What's it say? What's it say?" Kelly asked eagerly, holding Mason in his arms.

Stella room a deep breath and looked at the pregnancy test, her eyes going wide. "It's positive."

"We're having another baby!" Kelly cheered, holding up Mason in the air. "Mason gets a baby brother or sister."

"We're going to have two kids!" Stella said, the reality finally hitting her as she smiled.

"This is so amazing!" Kelly said, hugging Stella with one arm and holding Mason in the other. "Our baby is so cute, this next one is going to be just as great."

"I'm so excited! I have to call the doctor and make an appointment."

"Make it soon!"


"So, Stella, you're pregnant again?" The doctor asked, entering the room with her and Kelly.

"That's what the pregnancy test said." Stella said with a smile.

"Well, let's check it out." She said, beginning the examination. Soon, the couple was looking at a little blob on the ultrasound screen.

"Here's your little baby at about 10 weeks along."

"We're already 10 weeks?" Stella asked, surprised she was that far along.

"Yes, you're already 10 weeks. Pregnancy flies by the second time, especially when you don't find out until almost the second trimester. Although, it means you are closer to finding out the gender."

"That is very true. Bet it's another boy." Kelly smirked.

"Nope, it's a girl this time, I know it." Stella said, very sure of herself.

"Well, you two should have this bet settled within the next ten weeks." The doctor chuckled. "I'll see you back in a month."

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