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The next day, Kelly and Stella went to work while Olivia and Mason went to school and Caleb stayed with Cindy Herrmann. The shift passed slowly for the firehouse, only three calls all day.

Around 4, Lee Henry Herrmann pulled up with a van full of Severide and Casey kids.

"Hey, Lee Henry, What're you doing here?" Herrmann called to his oldest child as he walked up the driveway with the younger kids.

"Mom needed me to take the kids for awhile so she could catch a break. Plus, Mason needs homework help and I'm not a teacher." He replied.

Kelly, having heard this, got up and picked up Mason

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Kelly, having heard this, got up and picked up Mason. "What's your homework?"

"Long division." Mason sighed. "It doesn't make sense!"

"Okay, calm down, let's work through it."

After an hour, there was no progress made in the homework department and it was impossible to determine which Severide was more frustrated.

"It's 45, Mason! Write it down." Kelly groaned.

"We have to show our work!"

"Show your teacher a picture of me then because I'm doing all the work here!" Kelly yelled, making Mason groan.

"You're no help, Dad!"

"Hey, how are things going in the homework department?" Stella asked, joining the two at the table.

"Dad sucks at helping!" Mason said, earning an eye roll from his father.

"So, not good?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe I could try? It might help to work with someone who isn't a parent." Cruz offered.

"Whatever." Mason shrugged, frustrated with the world.

"Okay, Thanks Joe. Kelly, how about you go talk to your daughter?" Stella suggested.

"How come?" Kelly asked, confused.

"She's upset and she only wants to talk to you."

"What's she upset about?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't need you to go talk to her, would I?" Stella replied with sass.

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