We'll Figure It Out

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"Do you need to pick up the kids tonight? I'm sure they're worried." Stella asked Kelly as she fought off sleep.

"Cindy said she hasn't told them, so we're good. I'll explain tomorrow when I pick them up. You can leave in the morning anyway so they'll be able to see you and know you're okay."

"Good. But, Kelly, I can't really do anything for like 2-3 months. How are the kids going to get everywhere? Mason has football practice 4 nights a week, Olivia has soccer on those same nights at a different park, Caleb has t-ball practice 2 nights a week, and-"

"Stella, I can take them where they need to go." Kelly said, holding her hand. "I do that anyway."

"I'm with you though and we typically divide and conquer. Do you know what time Caleb has t-ball?"

"Six to seven."

"And Mason has football when?" Stella quizzed.

"Five to 7:30. Liv has soccer from 5:30-7. Babe, I got this. I can drop off Mason, drive Liv to soccer, get Caleb to baseball then take Caleb and pick up Liv and go back for Mason. I'll even pick up dinner on the way home. It'll work out just fine."

"And when you have work?" Stella asked, seeing his confidence lower immediately.

"Uh, we'll figure it out. Maybe if I take someone else's kid once or twice a week, they can take ours when I work."

"We can't fit more than three kids in a car without making one sit up front, which isn't an option when our oldest is 8."

"Boden might let me leave shift for a couple hours, maybe." He said with a sigh. "I don't know. I'll work it out. Don't you worry, just get some rest. I love you."

"I love you too."

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